Una oportunidad y un sueño cumplido por MITAC´S
Autora: Lucero de Fátima Tovar Medrano y Blanca Yuriria López Mondragón MITACS es una organización canadiense que año con año abre un programa de becas para recibir a estudiantes universitarios de otros países para que participen en un proyecto de investigación...
El flow, la combinación perfecta de dificultad y habilidad que te lleva a tu mejor experiencia
Autora: Ana Cuevas Romo POV: Como cuando estás totalmente concentrado en una actividad que te encanta, que es un reto para ti pero que al mismo tiempo sientes la seguridad en tus habilidades para lograrlo, y se te pasa el tiempo sin que te des cuenta. Ese es el...
Batallas de robots: Experiencias que forjan Innovación
Autora: Dra. Virginia Campos Sanabria. Las batallas de robots buscan combinar la innovación tecnológica, cultura pop y competencias internacionales. Se popularizó en los 90´s a través de programas de televisión en Reino Unido y Estados Unidos. A finales de esa década...
Journal ECSAUC Studies of Social and Administrative Sciences of the University of Celaya
Reinventing higher education, challenges, experiences and good practices at the University of Celaya during the pandemic by COVID-19.

OECD Employment Outlook 2021
Navigating the COVID-19 crisis and recovery.

Diagnosis carried out in collaboration with the Directorate General for Municipal Economic Development 2018-2021
The Pekes of the econoíma
The Future of Labor and MSMEs in Guanajuato
OECD Employment Outlook 2020.
Worker Safety and the COVID-19 Crisis
The Future of Work.
OECD Employment Outlook 2019.
See executive summary.
Advantages for attracting investment to the municipality of Celaya.
See complete study.
Advantages for attracting investment to the municipality of Celaya.
Active learning: Innovative practices at the Universidad de Celaya
In the current world the information is vital to the decision making of any organization.
The University of Celaya, in its commitment to contribute to the development of the region and the country, offers research and training services for governmental, non-governmental and productive organizations.
The University of Celaya is committed to its clients to deliver the highest quality information as well as tangible and applicable recommendations. For this reason, strict supervision and quality guidelines are followed from the design of the project to the collection and analysis of the results, providing a tailor-made service to the needs of your organization.
The benefits that your organization can obtain when hiring one of the research services of the University of Celaya are reflected in:
- The detailed acknowledge of its clients, suppliers, competence and/or the context.
- The full understanding of such information.
- The right decision making as they are based on relevant and current reliable information.
The University of Celaya carries out research projects in the following modalities:
- Quantitative studies (survey, observation, statistical analysis of data).
- Qualitative studies (in-depth interviews, focus groups, observation, mystery shopper, other techniques).
- Mixed studies.
- Cabinet studies.
- Analysis of quantitative, qualitative and mixed data.
- Methodological design of longitudinal research (e.g. questionnaire design).
- Training in research topics.
- Training in Research Methodology under the direction of Dr. Roberto Hernández Sampieri, author of the bestseller Research Methodology (McGraw-Hill).
Material of Interest
- Research lines by academic areas
- Register of research from the University of Celaya
- APA Manual 4th edition
- APA Manual 7th edition
- Manual for the preparation and publication of research reports of the University of Celaya
- Thesis publication manual
- Thesis draft format
- Guide to publish research articles
- List of sources recommended by the research department
- Tips for searching information on the Internet
- Technological tools for research
- Quantitative research report template
- Qualitative research report template
- Mixed research report template
Know your campus
¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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