Start Up Center
Start Up Center
Ideas que se transforman en realidad. Sé un agente creativo, disruptivo e innovador para mejorar el mundo con tu liderazgo, compromiso y responsabilidad.
The commitment
Generate a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and linkage in the university community and the regional productive sector in order to enhance their chances of success in the global economy.
The vision
To become acknowledged as being a centre that promotes the linkage among academy, business and institutions through training processes, consultancy, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship, fostering the necessary interaction among these three entities for its development, improvement, transformation and global success.
The purpose
- From the university: Facilitate the creation of companies, technology innovation, linkage and global development.
- From the company: Encourage the implementation of best business practices and their dissemination; contribute to the training of innovative leaders with an entrepreneurial spirit who promote new ideas and technologies.
- From the government: Promote investment projects that allow the creation of companies and promote the development of better employment opportunities.
The impact
In order to strengthen the links between organizations from different sectors and mutually satisfy their needs, the Start Up Center has defined four areas that are closely related to business management:
1. Business Consulting and Project Development
2. Entrepreneurship and Leadership
3. Executive Education (continuing education)
4. Academic and Business Linkage
The strategy
1 Real solutions to real problems:
Through business consulting and project development. Clients will be provided with effective solutions that will guide them in improving their performance, so that not only will there be an understanding of the problems faced by companies, but solutions will be designed to meet their needs.
2 Development of quality talent:
Through our platform for entrepreneurship, leadership and social innovation, we will promote the preparation of people who contribute to a global community through the generation of new business models and sources of employment.
3 Vision of lifelong learning:
Activating executive training programs, both on-site and online, that combine advanced competencies, experiences, business techniques and methodologies applied to organizational realities and challenges.
Encouraging experiential learning
- Challenges that allow students to develop the notion of entrepreneurship.
- Collaboration with institutions to which students and alumni bring specific solutions based on needs.
- Networking that, generated through events and processes, allows discovering business opportunities.
- A real and working space with public and private institutions and organizations that share the objective of community development.

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Startup Center
Enactus University of Celaya

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Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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