One Stop Service
One Stop Service
¿Tienes dudas? Aquí encuentra la respuesta a tus inquietudes.<strong></strong><strong></strong>

Avisos importantes
Reinscripciones en línea
Por tu seguridad, reinscríbete aquí en linea, ve el tutuorial y si tienes dudas escríbenoas a
Requerimientos refacturación
Por disposición oficial, a partir de 2022, se han establecido nuevos requerimientos para la refacturación.
Dudas frecuentes

- How do I add documents to my electronic file?
- What services are available to me in the UniApp?
- How do I check my account statement?
- How can I pay and what payment plans does the Uni offer?
- Where can I check my Uni credential?
- How do I know what level of English I have?
- If I am a new customer How do I prepare for the start of classes?

- What competitive advantages do I have as a Uni student?
- What is the SUCCESS educational model?
- What is my LETic's virtual learning environment like?
- Who are part of the teaching and support team?
- During my re-enrollment, how do I confirm that my course load is correct?
- How do I take intersemester courses?
- What are internships and how many hours must I complete?
- What is Professional Social Service and how many hours must I complete?
- What options do I have to start my work immersion before graduation?
- ¿Qué intercambios internacionales hay y cómo accedo a ellos?
- What behavior is expected of me as a student?
- How to prevent behaviors that violate the dignity of the person?
- ¿Cómo puedo proyectar mi perfil profesional? Mi Portafolio Profesional (Portfolium)
- Who is my mentor and how can he/she support me?

- How is my comprehensive training at Uni?
- How to form a UniClub, student group or be part of the board of directors of my career?
- How can I become a member of the Uni Alumni Society?
- How to be part of a representative team?
- How can I become a Pride Uni student?
- How can I take care of my integrity and that of others?
- How to become a Startup Maker (Entrepreneurship Program)
- ¿Cómo reportar alguna incidencia al reglamento o al código de integridad?
- How can we promote study habits?
- How do I contribute to the creation of a harmonious campus environment?

Know your campus
¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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