Horarios de Atención en periodos académicos
Contact usat informes@udec.edu.mx
Department | Contact telephone number | Extension | L to V | Saturdays | ||
Admissions | Admissions | informes@udec.edu.mx | Tel. Tel. 52 461 6139099 and Whatsapp: 52 4612522925 | Ext. 1023, 1028 or 1460. | 8:00 a 16:00 | 8:00 a 12:00 |
Register's office | School Services | escolar@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1058 or 1085 | 8:00 a 16:00 | 8:00 a 12:00 |
Cashier's Office | Box | finanzas@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1447 | 8:00 a 15:00 | 8:00 a 12:00 |
Information Technology | Computer | informatica@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1530 | 7:00 a 15:00 | |
Computer center | Computer center | soporteinformatica@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1007 and 1012 | 8:00 a 17:00 | 8:00 a 12:00 |
Library | Library | biblioteca@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1018 | 8:00 a 16:00 | 8:00 a 15:00 |
University Extension | University Extension | extension@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1065 or 1021 | 8:00 a 16:00 | 8:00 a 12:00 |
Faculty Lounge | Teachers' Lounge | innovacionytecnologia@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1437 | 8:00 a 16:00 | 8:00 a 12:00 |
Gym | Gym | deportes@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1454 and 1039 | 8:00 a 18:00 | 8:00 a 11:00 |
Cafeteria | Cafeteria | cafeteria@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 and Whatsapp: 52 4611239217 | Ext. 1005 | 8:00 a 17:00 | 8:00 a 13:00 |
Stationary | Stationery | papeleria@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1013 | 7:00 a 15:00 | |
Uni Gear | Uni Gear | finanzas@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1053 | 8:00 a 15:00 | |
Emergencies (Medical Center) | Medical Emergencies | urgencias@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1456 y 1457 | 7:15 a 17:00 |
Attention in person
( We suggest making an appointment)
Department | Telephone | Extension | ||
Talent management | Talent management | gestiondeltalento@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1045 |
Innovation and Educational Technology | Innovation and educational technology | innovacionytecnologia@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1437 |
Billing | Collections | cobranza@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1435 |
Student Life | Student Life | vidaestudiantil@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1037 or 1089 |
Uni Culture | Uni Culture | culturauni@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1089 or 1025 |
Productive and social vinculation | Vinculación productiva y social | vinculacion@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1017 |
Internationalization | Study Abroad | internacional@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1438 and 1065 |
Language Department | Language School | idiomas@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1086 |
Alumni Vinculation | Alumni | egresados@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1061 |
Start up center | Start up | startup@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1451 |
Purchasing department | Shopping | compras@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1049 and 1075 |
Storage and maintenance | Warehousing and maintenance | almacen@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1038 and 1091 |
Planning | Planning | planificacion@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1473 or 1022 |
Image and Design | Image | imagen@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1478 |
Research | Research | investigacion@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1470 |
School of Business | Business school | negocios@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1056 and 1073 |
International Trade | International trade | negocios@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1059 |
Engineering School | School of Engineering | ingenierias@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1030 and 1407 |
Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical engineering | biomedica@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1055 |
Industrial Engineering | Industrial engineering | iia@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1481 |
Automotive Engineering | Automotive engineering | automotriz@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1452 |
Mechatronics Engineering | Mechatronics engineering | mecatronica@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1483 |
Data Science Engineering | Ingeniería en ciencia de datos | cienciadedatos@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1030 |
Engineering laboratory | Engineering Laboratory | laboratorioing@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1610 |
School of Communications | School of Communication | comunicacion@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1080 |
Law School | Law School | derecho@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1032 and 1075 |
Media Center Laboratories | Media center laboratories | centrodemedios@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1049 and 1075 |
School of Architecture | School of Architecture | arquitectura@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1026 and 1080 |
School of Digital Design | Faculty of Digital Design | disenodigital@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1449 and 1020 |
School of Culinary arts | Faculty of culinary arts | arte.culinario@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1453 and 1062 |
School Restaurant | Restaurante Escuela | restaurante@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1475 |
Executive programs | Executive Programs | programasejecutivos@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1030 and 1407 |
School of Psychology | Faculty of Psychology | psicologia@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1450 and 1034 |
School of Nutrition | Faculty of Nutrition | nutricion@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1463 and 1034 |
School of Medicine | School of Medicine | medicina@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1076 and 1462 |
High school | High School | prepa@udec.edu.mx | Tel. 52 461 6139099 | Ext. 1074 |
Know your campus
¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?
Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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