Cocina creativa Zero Food Waste

Cocina creativa Zero Food Waste

Con el objetivo de promover la creatividad y habilidades culinarias de los estudiantes, fomentando prácticas sostenibles en la cocina y generando conciencia sobre el compromiso de reducir el desperdicio alimentario, se llevó a cabo el evento Cocina Creativa Zero Food Waste que presentaba como reto crear un menú de tres tiempos y una bebida, utilizando ingredientes que normalmente se desperdiciarían o se considerarían desechos en la cocina.

El jurado evaluador estuvo conformado por la Dra. Patricia López, Investigadora del Instituto Nacional de investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP),
la Mtra. Diana Montoya: Docente en ingeniería de los alimentos y estudiante del Doctorado en Producción Alimentaria, la Mtra. Rosalinda Cerda: Experta en Calidad y procesos  de alimentación industrial y el Chef Juan José Rodríguez Leyva, empresario gastronómico.


Primer lugar:  Sarah López, Yessica Sánchez, Gigi Rivas,  Paloma Rodríguez, Denisse González, Frida Aguirre
Entrada: Ensalada de lechugas mixtas, acompañada de chips de betabel y cáscara de mango, con pétalos de jamaica deshidratada. Aderezada con una vinagreta de piña.
Plato Fuerte: Croquetas de ave, servidas con una base de vegetales y chile güero.
Postre: Budín embebido en una mezcla de leches y acompañado de chips de plátano.
Bebida: Agua mineral infusionada con un sirope concentrado de mango, elaborado a partir de los huesos y el corazón de la fruta, combinado con trozos de piña, y guarnición rodaja de piña deshidratada

Segundo lugar: Gilberto Tirado, Axel Rico, Yiré Torres,  Ana Cecilia López, Ximena Almanza
Mosaico de Tallos: Este primer tiempo presenta tallos de brócoli y coliflor, cocidos a baja temperatura en un termocirculador y sazonados con un rub especial. Se acompaña de un aceite infusionado con cáscaras de tomate.
Plato Fuerte: Raviolis rellenos de hígado de ave, servidos en un fondo  de pollo y vegetales seleccionados.
Postre: Buñuelos de platano maduro, relleno de confitura de cáscara de naranja, servido con un aire de hojas fresa.
Bebida: Tisana de xilote.

Tercer lugar: Monzerrat Hernández, Alexa Lule, Jorge Zapatero, Ximena Mora,  Daniela Gómez.
Entrada: Ensalada de pera, manzana y pepino en cortes brunoise, acompañada de un gazpacho de jitomate y fresa.
Plato fuerte: Pasta fresca con salsa de queso, servida con una salsa americana y camarones.
Postre: Merengue francés con gel de fresa, crema de queso de cabra y vainilla.
Bebida: Infusión de bugambilia con romero y menta.

Team Uni is nationally selected for the Enactus Mexico 2022 Competition.

The University of Celaya through the department of StartUp Center, the student group Enactus University of Celaya and Enactus Mexico, gladly and proudly congratulates the students of the Sooma team, who have been officially selected to participate in the National Competition Enactus Mexico 2022, in the league EMPOWERING CHANGE, where they will compete from June 25 to 27 in the city of Aguascalientes with the SOOMA project, composed of:

  • Paola Ruiz - Digital Design student
  • Fernanda Sierra - Law Student
  • Fernanda Peña - Global Business Undergraduate Student
  • Samantha Arreguín - Global Business Student
  • Elizabeth Romero - Digital Design Graduate
  • Mtra. Carolina Michelle Romero - Innovation Mentor and GPS Master Enactus Universidad de Celaya

We celebrate and are proud that they have been an example for the entire university community of our country being selected from hundreds of teams, demonstrating that adversity is an area of opportunity and that the effort and dedication as social entrepreneurs, are harvested as the impact and change in the quality of life of people.

We recognize the work, effort and results of the Enactus Hub Universidad de Celaya. Thank you for being agents of change and continue to promote the culture of entrepreneurship in the country. We know that you will proudly represent the University of Celaya in the Enactus Mexico 2022 National Competition, with the SOOMA project.

Learn more about the Sooma project:

Did you know... an estimated 931 million tons of food is wasted worldwide each year, 61% of which goes to waste at home.

Sooma, is a freemium application with artificial intelligence that solves the lack of healthy meal planning, unnecessary purchases and improves food storage, so that these changes positively impact the health and nutrition of the user, leaving behind the bad food avoiding food waste from home, to eat well and take advantage of more. Positively impacting Sustainable Development Goals 2 Zero Hunger, 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12 Responsible Consumption and Production and 15 Life of Terrestrial Ecosystems.

What is Enactus?

Enactus, the largest global network of university leaders that generate social business, promoting social entrepreneurship projects that positively impact the fulfillment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030, working for a better world.

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The University of Celaya, in strategic alliance with the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development of the State, is conducting the introductory course Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility and Environmental Policies within the Program for Sustainable Industrial Development with the objective of training decision makers in the Bajio region to develop, participate, implement and evaluate actions that benefit our environment but also generate jobs and wealth in our state.

Consistent with its mission, the University of Celaya joins programs with a high impact social focus through which the educational community can establish valuable relationships with agents of change in the region such as the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE), the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation (KAS) and the Association for Sustainable Industrial Development Germany - Pacific Alliance PAGSID to develop academic projects linked to issues of the 2030 agenda, climate change, biodiversity, corporate responsibility and related topics. 

The University of Celaya, as the epicenter of this collaboration of high-impact projects, presented last Friday, July 16, the certificates of participation to the people who will serve as examples and agents of change in this project of transformation of Guanajuato to reduce the problems related to climate change.