Diplomado para la Profesionalización y Desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil

Diplomado para la Profesionalización y Desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil

La Universidad de Celaya en colaboración con Fundación Empresarial Guanajuato, inició el Diplomado para la Profesionalización y Desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil.

En él participan dos representantes de distintas asociaciones civiles, entre las que se encuentran: Fundación Adis, Cielo Abierto, Casa Marietta, Conexión Animal, APAC Celaya, Asociación Civil de Damas Voluntarias del Hospital Regional y Mis Raíces Impulsando el Futuro.  

Todos ellos están divididos en dos grupos: básico e intermedio. El primero tendrá una duración de 65 horas; mientras que el segundo, durará 105 horas.

El objetivo es fomentar la formalización de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil de la región oriente del estado de Guanajuato, preparando a sus colaboradores en el conocimiento de las normas operativas nacionales e internacionales en el marco del emprendimiento social, en el levantamiento de capital y la medición de impacto, con enfoque principal en la sostenibilidad y permanencia de estas mismas a través del tiempo.

El acto inaugural se llevó a cabo en el Aula de Medicina de la institución anfitriona, a donde asistieron autoridades de FE Guanajuato y de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social y Humano, quienes destacaron que el trabajo realizado será de gran valor para las y los habitantes de Guanajuato, por lo que exhortaron a los participantes a no bajar la guardia y seguir trabajando en beneficio de los demás.

También estuvo presente Verónica Perea Medina, Directora de Planeación y Efectividad Institucional de la Universidad de Celaya, quien explicó que el diplomado fue el resultado de un esfuerzo que se inició hace varios años, el cual pudo concretarse gracias al apoyo de FE Guanajuato y FIDESSEG.

Cabe mencionar que Fundación Empresarial Guanajuato impulsa el desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil de Guanajuato para incidir en las necesidades sociales que enfrenta el Estado, creando mejores oportunidades para el desarrollo humano y social de los guanajuatenses.

Universidad de Celaya firma el Acta de Instalación de la Red de Academia Abierta.

Universidad de Celaya firma el Acta de Instalación de la Red de Academia Abierta.

La Universidad de Celaya es una de las 22 IES que ya cuentan con convenio con el INAI y que firmaron el Acta de Instalación de la Red de Academia Abierta para la formación, investigación y socialización de los derechos de acceso a la información y de protección de datos personales para el Estado de Guanajuato.

La red tiene como objetivo coordinar, incorporar y dar cauce a los intereses de todos los actores que participarán en el ejercicio de apertura institucional vigente y subsecuente, así como establecer una ruta crítica para la integración, difusión y cumplimiento de un PAL 2022-2024, con la prospectiva de darse seguimiento durante el marco de implementación del tercer ejercicio de apertura institucional en la entidad.

Constituirse como el órgano máximo de toma de decisiones en materia de apertura académica para la formación, investigación y socialización de los derechos de acceso a la información y de protección de datos personales en el estado de Guanajuato, así como de los compromisos y acciones que de éstos se deriven; 2. Coordinar las actividades de formación, investigación y socialización de los derechos de acceso a la información y de protección de datos personales entre las IES que formen parte de la Red de Academia Abierta.

¿Cómo beneficia a los universitarios Uni?
Se estableció un vínculo que fortalecerá la #transparencia del estado con las juventudes como verdaderas generadoras de políticas públicas, lo cual puedes ver aquí:  https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=436480272128071

University of Celaya inaugurates Automation Cell for Industry 4.0

University of Celaya inaugurates Automation Cell for Industry 4.0

Celaya, Guanajuato (November 11, 2023) - The University of Celaya celebrated the inauguration of the I4.0 AUTOMATION CELL at the Center for Innovation in Engineering on Saturday, November 11, as part of the 35th anniversary of its founding. Carlos Esponda Morales, General Director of the University of Celaya System, Dr. Martha Aguilar Trejo, Rector of the institution, and Mr. Juan Yúdico Herrasti, Councilor of the eastern region of Fundación Empresarial Guanajuato, presided over the ribbon cutting ceremony that marked the beginning of this new stage in the educational field.

The acquisition of the I4.0 AUTOMATION CELL was made possible thanks to a co-investment of 30% from FIDESSEG and 70% from the University of Celaya, which represents a milestone in engineering education in Mexico. Bosch Rexroth's one-of-a-kind XITE Automax 600 equipment incorporates Industry 4.0 technologies, artificial intelligence, big data and the cloud in its automated processes.

Representatives of companies from the industrial sector such as BOSCH LATINOAMERICA, GKN, PRETTL, SKILLTECK, HUTCHINSON, IECA, as well as elementary school educators, academic directors, teachers and students, joined in this event. Also present were leaders of the STEM and PERAJ social programs, as well as student mentors and the children who are the raison d'être of these programs, accompanied by their mothers.

The AUTOMATION CELL I4.0, with the Automax equipment, will not only enrich the education of the students of the University of Celaya, but will also have a positive impact on the education of more than 300 children participating in the project "Integral Development of Celaya's Children", which integrates the institutional programs STEAM and PERAJ, bringing educational innovation to the community.

At this event, the UniElectric Car, an electric vehicle developed by students who participated in the "Towards Electric Mobility" competition, was also on display, highlighting the commitment of the University of Celaya to the integral and avant-garde education of its students.

The I4.0 AUTOMATION CELL not only represents a significant technological advancement for the University of Celaya, but also demonstrates a continued commitment to academic excellence and preparing students for the challenges of the future.

We Mean: a space to assertively express the role of women as leaders and agents of social transformation.

The University of Celaya, in the framework of its 35th anniversary, presents the 1st. edition of the call " We Mean: a space for what you want to express" which adds to the various activities of student life promoted by the institutional program. Leading women a platform that promotes talent and encourages the development of women's potential. 

The "We Mean" call aims to open a space for the artistic and creative expression of all students who make up the Uni community, regardless of gender, through which they can express their own perspective of women as fundamental pillars in all social spheres, as well as the impact of their work on the growth and progress of the world

In this first call, the participants expressed themselves through essays and posters. More than 150 young people participated in the initiative and the works will be published in various media to disseminate them.

Thank you very much and congratulations to the students for their proactivity and proposal.

STEM girls learn with knowledge rally.

"Being a STEM mentor is an excellent opportunity to participate in changing the mindset towards the recognition of women in our society."

The University of Celaya's commitment to the Celaya community has outlined key lines of action for its institutional plans and projects, providing opportunities for those who wish to develop their skills, enhance their talent and achieve their goals. 

The "STEM Girls Can Do" program offers education to girls in 5th and 6th grade of elementary school in public institutions in Celaya to strengthen their skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics with the objective of developing their capacity for creative problem solving, as well as emotional management and logical mathematical thinking, integrating information and communication technologies to their learning process. This program has been in place at Uni since 2019 and has had very good results due to the significant impact on the lives of both girls and participating mentors. To learn more about this program, watch this video. 

During the January-June 2022 semester, biweekly sessions with "STEM Girls" are scheduled on Saturdays from 10:00 to 12:00 h; recently a rally was organized by students of Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics, in which they challenged the knowledge of girls through activities such as: multiplication bingo, robot programming, roulette prize or question, etc ... in an atmosphere of healthy coexistence and a lot of fun. 

"I consider that the mentors in charge of the STEM girls are people who guide the participants in an assertive way, motivating the girls to get actively involved in each of the activities; ... as mentors we have an excellent opportunity to generate interest in the girls in areas in which engineering has a great involvement; a change of culture is being generated towards the acceptance and introduction of women to the area of technology and engineering because we can contribute great things and perform very efficiently" expresses Kathy Vera, STEM mentor. 

If you want to live this experience, join the group of mentors of the "STEM Girls" program, contacting Mtra. Rosalinda Cerda (rlces@udec.edu.mx) and become an agent of the change you want for the world. 

University of Celaya: "Life in the service of the common good".

The University of Celaya joins the actions for equality and peace building in the city.

The University of Celaya, in keeping with its commitment to train women and men with the highest educational quality to develop their capacity to build a better country, has signed the agreement "For equality and peace building" with the Municipal Institute of Women of Celaya (INSMUJERES) and 15 other educational institutions of Celaya to participate in the implementation of affirmative actions that promote, safeguard and respect the human rights of women and men, through a cross-cutting and inter-institutional work. 

The signing of this agreement contemplates the generation of projects to achieve maximum development in the training and specialization of human resources, in order to achieve egalitarian spaces between women and men, safe and peaceful spaces, free of violence, and to provide women and men with tools for their full development. 

Some of the topics on which the inter-institutional cross-cutting roundtables will work are:

  1. Gender equality that favors and promotes social development for the people of Celaya. 
  2. Training for the full development of women and men, as well as public administration agencies. 
  3. The generation of violence-free spaces and the sensitization of the community in spaces for peace. 

The signing of this agreement was held in the framework of International Women's Day and took place at the Casa del Diezmo in Celaya. Javier Mendoza Márquez, mayor of the city, as a witness of honor, the rectors and representatives of the universities signed the agreement: Colegio Arturo Rosenblueth, Instituto Educativo Rosa González de Carmona, Instituto de Estudios Superiores del Centro de México, Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya, Tecnológico de Roque, Universidad de Celaya, Universidad Continente Americano, Universidad de Guanajuato, Universidad de Centro del Bajío, Universidad Lasallista Benavente.

The Universidad Latina de México, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Universidad Tecnológica Laja Bajío, UNITESBA, Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato and INAEBA also signed.

Thus, the University, through its research processes and links with society, is an agent of social transformation and behavioral changes of citizens from the perspective of theoretical studies and training actions that integrate the social actors involved in the subject.