Diplomado para la Profesionalización y Desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil

Diplomado para la Profesionalización y Desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil

La Universidad de Celaya en colaboración con Fundación Empresarial Guanajuato, inició el Diplomado para la Profesionalización y Desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil.

En él participan dos representantes de distintas asociaciones civiles, entre las que se encuentran: Fundación Adis, Cielo Abierto, Casa Marietta, Conexión Animal, APAC Celaya, Asociación Civil de Damas Voluntarias del Hospital Regional y Mis Raíces Impulsando el Futuro.  

Todos ellos están divididos en dos grupos: básico e intermedio. El primero tendrá una duración de 65 horas; mientras que el segundo, durará 105 horas.

El objetivo es fomentar la formalización de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil de la región oriente del estado de Guanajuato, preparando a sus colaboradores en el conocimiento de las normas operativas nacionales e internacionales en el marco del emprendimiento social, en el levantamiento de capital y la medición de impacto, con enfoque principal en la sostenibilidad y permanencia de estas mismas a través del tiempo.

El acto inaugural se llevó a cabo en el Aula de Medicina de la institución anfitriona, a donde asistieron autoridades de FE Guanajuato y de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social y Humano, quienes destacaron que el trabajo realizado será de gran valor para las y los habitantes de Guanajuato, por lo que exhortaron a los participantes a no bajar la guardia y seguir trabajando en beneficio de los demás.

También estuvo presente Verónica Perea Medina, Directora de Planeación y Efectividad Institucional de la Universidad de Celaya, quien explicó que el diplomado fue el resultado de un esfuerzo que se inició hace varios años, el cual pudo concretarse gracias al apoyo de FE Guanajuato y FIDESSEG.

Cabe mencionar que Fundación Empresarial Guanajuato impulsa el desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil de Guanajuato para incidir en las necesidades sociales que enfrenta el Estado, creando mejores oportunidades para el desarrollo humano y social de los guanajuatenses.

Universidad de Celaya holds LV CUPRIA session of private institutions united to promote higher education in Mexico.

Celaya, Guanajuato (April 27, 2023) - On April 27, the University of Celaya, in the framework of its 35th anniversary, hosted the LV Ordinary Session of the Council of Private Universities and Related Institutions (CUPRIA) with the participation of representatives of private universities that make up the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIES), who discussed and reached agreements in favor of the development of higher education in our country.

At the inauguration of this event, Dr. Carmen Rodríguez Armenta, head of the General Directorate of University and Intercultural Higher Education (DGESUI), on behalf of Dr. Francisco Luciano Concheiro Bórquez, Undersecretary of Higher Education, stated that the SEP does not conceive education only in terms of the public sector, but that private institutions are also a fundamental part of making it possible today to cover 5.2 million higher education students in Mexico.

For his part, Dr. Luis Armando González Placencia, in his first session as Executive Secretary General of ANUIES, reaffirmed the association's interest in maintaining proximity and equal treatment with private HEIs: "Today more than ever we are working to strengthen and consolidate higher education and turn it into a key element that will drive the country's development. Universities are becoming agents of change in the localities and regions they serve," he said.

In her speech, Dr. Martha Aguilar, rector of the University of Celaya and president of the LV session of CUPRIA, endorsed the commitment of the private IES with the permanent search for academic excellence, the integral formation of students and the development of their communities.

The LV CUPRIA session was attended by rectors and representatives of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Universidad Anáhuac, Universidad Iberoamericana de México y de Puebla, ITESO, Universidad Autónoma de la Laguna, UPAEP, UDLA, CETyS, UVM, Universidad Intercontinental, Universidad La Salle, Universidad Hipócrates, Instituto Tecnológico Latinoamericano, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, Centros de Estudios Universitarios de Monterrey, Universidad Montemorelos, Universidad de Monterrey, Universidad Regiomontana, Universidad de la Sierra, Universidad del Noreste and Universidad Cristóbal Colón.

The plenary session reviewed and analyzed current topics such as the Inter-Oceanic Corridor Project of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the Progress in the Work Program of the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation System, how to integrate a Node to Promote the Social and Solidarity Economy to achieve a linkage and impact with the university's environment and the importance of fundraising within the framework of sustainability, among others.

In view of this agenda, the Executive Secretary General commented: "The universities must work to increase university and scientific cooperation, but they must also be sensitive to current issues such as inclusion, gender, interculturalism and human rights, among others, in order to coordinate efforts that contribute to strengthening the development of higher education and us as a society.

Among the distinguished guests were: the Executive Director of CASE Latin America, Angélica Careaga; the general coordinator of CIEES, Miguel Ángel Tamayo Taype; the general director of COPAES, Alejandro Miranda Ayala; the general director of Universia Mexico, Arturo Cherbowski; and the general director of CENEVAL, Antonio Ávila Díaz.

At the end, Dr. Luis Armando Gonzalez thanked Dr. Martha Aguilar Trejo, Rector of the University of Celaya, for her strong support and acknowledged her dedication for accepting the challenge of holding this LV Ordinary Session of the Council of Private Universities and Related Institutions, as well as the commitment of the University of Celaya to the quality and development of Mexico demonstrated during these 35 years of existence.

Universidad de Celaya, host of the LV Ordinary Session of the Council of Private Universities and Related Institutions (CUPRIA)  

During this week, the University of Celaya will host the LV Ordinary Session of the Council of Private Universities and Related Institutions (CUPRIA), a collegiate body of the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIES), for which we will have the visit of the Executive Secretary General of this important organization, Dr. Luis Armando González Placencia, rectors of the Higher Education Institutions that make up the council, as well as special guests, to analyze, discuss and share strategies that promote favorable environments for higher education in the country .

It will be a great testament to the spirit of collaboration, joint learning and networking to build the future we want by training the talent our country and the world needs. 

We thank ANUIES, particularly Dr. Luis Armando González, for the opportunity to collaborate in the organization of this meeting, within the framework of our 35th anniversary as an educational institution;

With these collaborative networks, the University of Celaya reaffirms its shared interest in improving teaching, research, and the extension of culture and services in the region and throughout Mexico.

Young people from Guanajuato will propose an event to reactivate Celaya.

In an institutional event with special guests representing the Government of the State of Guanajuato, the municipal government of Celaya, business associations and Higher Education Institutions (HEI), the University of Celaya officially launched the call for the Unichallenge contest in its 2022 edition to challenge the creativity and innovation of the people of Guanajuato to come up with an event that will boost the economic and social reactivation of Celaya.

Since 2018, every year the University of Celaya launches the call for the Unichallenge whose axis is to analyze a specific local problem to which university students, together with expert mentors, offer tailored solutions.

Those who accept the challenge must organize their team composed of a maximum of 5 members: on the one hand, 4 university students (maximum 2 from the same IES); and, on the other hand, an expert mentor (teacher or graduate of one of the institutions in which the students participate), with the requirement of having the accompaniment of a mentor or organization from the public or private sector specialized in event organization (without him or her being part of the team). There will be cash prizes for the first 3 places. The call for entries is open from August 9th until August 31st of the same month of the current year. Get to know the phases of the contest and accept the challenge. Check the terms and conditions here!

From its first edition to date, the challenges for the participants of the contest have been diverse: the responsible use and consumption of water, the positioning of Celaya's cajeta at a national level, the strengthening of the sense of identity of being from Celaya, to name a few. The important thing about the challenge is to engage young people in the solution of real problems so that they get involved, raise awareness, act and also learn from the talent of teachers, mentors and/or specialized organizations. 

Our institution is very grateful to have the support and collaboration for the Unichallenge initiative to continue to be a reality thanks to the synergy that has been generated between society, government, companies and higher education institutions of important presence in Celaya and the state of Guanajuato, in order to contribute to the proactive solution of the great global challenges of the local and regional level, for the benefit of the youth of Guanajuato and the common good.

The University of Celaya joins the actions for equality and peace building in the city.

The University of Celaya, in keeping with its commitment to train women and men with the highest educational quality to develop their capacity to build a better country, has signed the agreement "For equality and peace building" with the Municipal Institute of Women of Celaya (INSMUJERES) and 15 other educational institutions of Celaya to participate in the implementation of affirmative actions that promote, safeguard and respect the human rights of women and men, through a cross-cutting and inter-institutional work. 

The signing of this agreement contemplates the generation of projects to achieve maximum development in the training and specialization of human resources, in order to achieve egalitarian spaces between women and men, safe and peaceful spaces, free of violence, and to provide women and men with tools for their full development. 

Some of the topics on which the inter-institutional cross-cutting roundtables will work are:

  1. Gender equality that favors and promotes social development for the people of Celaya. 
  2. Training for the full development of women and men, as well as public administration agencies. 
  3. The generation of violence-free spaces and the sensitization of the community in spaces for peace. 

The signing of this agreement was held in the framework of International Women's Day and took place at the Casa del Diezmo in Celaya. Javier Mendoza Márquez, mayor of the city, as a witness of honor, the rectors and representatives of the universities signed the agreement: Colegio Arturo Rosenblueth, Instituto Educativo Rosa González de Carmona, Instituto de Estudios Superiores del Centro de México, Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya, Tecnológico de Roque, Universidad de Celaya, Universidad Continente Americano, Universidad de Guanajuato, Universidad de Centro del Bajío, Universidad Lasallista Benavente.

The Universidad Latina de México, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Universidad Tecnológica Laja Bajío, UNITESBA, Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato and INAEBA also signed.

Thus, the University, through its research processes and links with society, is an agent of social transformation and behavioral changes of citizens from the perspective of theoretical studies and training actions that integrate the social actors involved in the subject. 

Students certified by CONOCER

The students of the Bachelor's Degree in Systemic Psychology, Salvador, Andrea and Jesús, received their CONOCER certificate for having accredited the ECO217 Certification for the delivery of human capital training courses in a face-to-face group setting, which includes the substantive functions of preparing, conducting and evaluating training courses based on quality standards in force in the country. 

With this certificate our students accredit their knowledge, skills and attitudes in the field of training that is relevant to their work performance in any of the areas of specialization: labor, educational or clinical.

The certificate is endorsed by the National Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competencies (CONOCER), an organization of which the University of Celaya is a certifying entity, providing constant training and certification opportunities to our university community and the population of our region.