"Being a STEM mentor is an excellent opportunity to participate in changing the mindset towards the recognition of women in our society."

The University of Celaya's commitment to the Celaya community has outlined key lines of action for its institutional plans and projects, providing opportunities for those who wish to develop their skills, enhance their talent and achieve their goals. 

The "STEM Girls Can Do" program offers education to girls in 5th and 6th grade of elementary school in public institutions in Celaya to strengthen their skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics with the objective of developing their capacity for creative problem solving, as well as emotional management and logical mathematical thinking, integrating information and communication technologies to their learning process. This program has been in place at Uni since 2019 and has had very good results due to the significant impact on the lives of both girls and participating mentors. To learn more about this program, watch this video. 

During the January-June 2022 semester, biweekly sessions with "STEM Girls" are scheduled on Saturdays from 10:00 to 12:00 h; recently a rally was organized by students of Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics, in which they challenged the knowledge of girls through activities such as: multiplication bingo, robot programming, roulette prize or question, etc ... in an atmosphere of healthy coexistence and a lot of fun. 

"I consider that the mentors in charge of the STEM girls are people who guide the participants in an assertive way, motivating the girls to get actively involved in each of the activities; ... as mentors we have an excellent opportunity to generate interest in the girls in areas in which engineering has a great involvement; a change of culture is being generated towards the acceptance and introduction of women to the area of technology and engineering because we can contribute great things and perform very efficiently" expresses Kathy Vera, STEM mentor. 

If you want to live this experience, join the group of mentors of the "STEM Girls" program, contacting Mtra. Rosalinda Cerda (rlces@udec.edu.mx) and become an agent of the change you want for the world. 

University of Celaya: "Life in the service of the common good".