Historias de éxito: Nabila

Historias de éxito: Nabila

Nabila, egresada de la licenciatura en Gastronomía de la Universidad de Celaya, nos compartió su inspirador camino para convertirse en la emprendedora detrás de la tienda de postres «Culpa Mía».

Desde sus prácticas profesionales, Nabila fue desarrollando su pasión por la repostería, lo que eventualmente la motivó a iniciar su propio proyecto. Su inspiración surgió de postres populares de otras partes del mundo y fue durante la pandemia, cuando realmente despegó su negocio.

Con el apoyo de su familia, Nabila realizó inversiones graduales, y fue consolidando su marca poco a poco a través de Instagram que se ha convertido en una de sus principales herramientas de trabajo, donde ha trabajado la imagen de su marca, ha compartido historias y mostrado sus productos de una forma cercana y auténtica. Su enfoque no es aspiracional, sino que sus clientes se identifiquen con ella y su marca.

Para Nabila, la clave del éxito radica en creer en tu producto, organizar correctamente la producción y capacitar continuamente a tu equipo de trabajo. Además, destaca que es fundamental comprender que el éxito es un proceso y que disfrutar cada paso del camino es esencial para mantener el entusiasmo y la motivación.

Escucha el podcast completo en:


Networking y Relaciones Profesionales

Networking y Relaciones Profesionales

Por Fátima Aboytes 

Para entender un poco mejor este tema es importante definir ¿Qué es el Netwoking? Según un artículo reciente de Santander menciona que el networking es una práctica desarrollada para profesionales que busca crear y aumentar una red de contactos, así como la capacidad de mantener esas conexiones con el paso del tiempo.

 En pocas palabras el networking va más allá de solamente compartir tarjetas de presentación, realmente es una estrategia que en un futuro nos pueden ayudar a establecer fuentes de apoyo, oportunidades y recursos en diversas áreas del ámbito laboral.

 Para poder establecer una red de contactos es muy importante lograr definir una serie de objetivos y pautas que nos ayudarán a fortalecer lazos con personas que enriquecerán nuestra vida laboral. Por eso en este articulo te daremos algunos objetivos para que los pongas en práctica.


  1. Define tus objetivos

En este punto es indispensable cuestionarse y tener claro lo que quieres lograr al momento de construir tus redes de contactos ¿Buscas oportunidades laborales, asesoramiento laboral, colaboración en proyectos, o simplemente quieres ampliar tu circulo social? El establecer lo que estas buscando te ayudara a enfocar tus esfuerzos y a definir a las personas clave que te ayudaran a cumplir esas metas que te propones.

  1. Identifica y contacta a las personas clave

En este punto es el momento correcto de identificar a las personas que pueden ser relevantes en tu red de contactos, estas personas las puedes encontrar en eventos de la industria, plataformas de redes sociales profesionales como lo es LinkedIn e incluso puedes ampliar tus contactos a través de recomendaciones de conocidos.

  1. Desarrolla una propuesta de valor

En este punto tú tienes que tener establecido ¿Qué les puedes ofrecer a estos contactos? El tener claro que les puedes ofrecer te ayudará a presentarte de una manera efectiva y hacer que tu conexión sea memorable.

  1. Construye relaciones auténticas

El networking no solo se trata de tener contactos, si no más bien, es la parte de construir relaciones que sean genuinas. Es importante que muestres interés en las necesidades y experiencias de los demás, y buscar la manera en la que puedas aportar valor. La clave en el networking es la reciprocidad y el ofrecer ayuda tanto como la recibes.

  1. Mantén el contacto frecuentemente

Una vez que ya se haya establecido una conexión, es importante mantener el contacto. Cuando te tengas que comunicar debe tener un propósito. La clave es estar presente y que tus contactos recuerden quién eres y porque valoran tu relación con ellos.

  1. Participa en Eventos y Actividades de la industria

Las asistencias a conferencias, seminarios y eventos que estén en la industria es una excelente manera de conocer nuevos contactos y fortalecer los vínculos existentes. Benefíciate de estas actividades para aprender y compartir ideas que te ayudarán en el proceso de expandir tu red de contactos.

  1. Se paciente y persistente

Muchas veces construir una red de contactos puede llevar mucho tiempo y esfuerzo. No te desanimes si los resultados no son inmediatos. El ser persistente en este punto es esencial para desarrollar relaciones significativas y duraderas.

  1. Agradece y reconoce a tus contactos

Reconocer y agradecer a las personas que te han ayudado o han sido valiosas para tu carrera puede fortalecer tu relación y fomentar una cultura de apoyo mutuo.

  1. Utiliza las redes sociales de manera estratégica.

Redes sociales como LinkedIn te ayuda a fortalecer y red de contacto. Para esto tienes que tener un perfil completo y actualizado, participa en grupos relevantes y comparte contenido que refleje tus intereses y conocimientos.

  1. Ajusta tu estrategia

Tomate el tiempo necesario para evaluar la efectividad de tu estrategia de networking, es importante reflexionar sobre las conexiones que ya has logrado, las oportunidades que has aprovechado y todos los objetivos que has logrado. Ajusta tu estrategia según sea necesario.


 En conclusión, podemos entender que el networking es una herramienta poderosa que puede abrir muchas puertas y nos puede ofrecer valiosos recursos a lo largo de nuestra vida profesional. Al tener esta red de contactos no solo puedes avanzar profesionalmente, si no también construir el éxito de otros en tu campo. La clave es ser atentico, ofrecer valor, y mantener una actitud proactiva y positiva en cada interacción.


Gestión del tiempo: Técnicas para aumentar la productividad

Por Fátima Aboytes 

La gestión del tiempo es una habilidad indispensable para lograr un desarrollo en nuestra vida profesional y para poder crecer personalmente. Como bien sabemos las distracciones están a la orden del día y las responsabilidades parecen no tener fin, el gestionar nuestro tiempo ayuda a reducir el estrés y nos permite disfrutar de nuestras actividades diarias.

Saber administrar el tiempo puede llegar a ser un reto para muchas personas y algo sumamente complicado para otras. Sin embargo, ambos tipos de personas saben que administrar adecuadamente el tiempo les permite tomar decisiones más informadas, cumplir plazos, pasar más tiempo en familia, etc.  

Lo que se traduce en tener una vida más plena y feliz.


¿Cómo puedo administrar mi tiempo correctamente?


  1. Ten una agenda

El llevar control de tus tareas en una agenda tanto física como digital ayuda a organizar el tiempo en tu día a día. En esta agenda no solo anotes tareas profesionales si, no que también tareas personales.

  1. Limitar Distracciones

Identifica y minimiza los factores que interrumpen tu concentración, como el uso de las redes sociales y las notificaciones.

  1. Delegar responsabilidades

Es indispensable saber reconocer tus límites y entender que puedes pasar algunas tareas a otras personas.

  1. Revisar y ajustar

Evalúa regularmente tu proceso y ajusta tus métodos de gestión del tiempo según sea necesario.

  1. Cuida de ti mismo

Asegúrate de incluir tiempo para descansar, la actividad física y el ocio para mantener tu energía y motivación.



Hablemos de productividad, ¿Qué es la productividad?


Es la capacidad que tenemos de administrar y aprovechar nuestro tiempo al máximo, con el fin de lograr resultados deseados en nuestras actividades diarias. Prácticamente es poder hacer más en poco tiempo, sin sacrificar la calidad y bienestar personal. A continuación, te mencionamos algunas técnicas para mejorar o tener una buena productividad.


  1. Establecer objetivos claros

Puedes utilizar la metodología SMART para establecer objetivos:

  • Específicos: Define lo que quieres lograr.
  • Medibles: Tienes que poder medir tu progreso.
  • Alcanzables: Establece objetivos que sean completamente realistas.
  • Relevantes: Deben tener un propósito significativo.
  • Temporales: Establece un tiempo para cumplirlos.


  1. Prioriza tus tareas con la Matriz de Eisenhower

Esta es una herramienta importante para priorizar tareas la cual se divide en 4

  • Urgente e importante: Hacer de inmediato.
  • Importante pero no urgente: Programar.
  • Urgente pero no importante: Delegarlo si no es importante.
  • Ni urgente ni importante: Elimínalo.


  1. Implementar la técnica de Pomodoro

Esta técnica consiste en alterar sesiones de trabajo con descansos breves y frecuentes para promover la concentración sostenida y evitar la fatiga mental. Puedes trabajar 25 minutos sin distracciones y descansar 5 minutos. Después de una sesión de pomodoros puedes tomar un descanso más largo de 15-30 min.


  1. Aprender a decir NO

Es indispensable reconocer que no puedes hacer todo. Aprender a decir No a tareas o compromisos que no se alinean a tus tareas importantes.


  1. Evitar la multitarea

Intentar hacer muchas cosas a la vez puede disminuir tu productividad.



Desarrollar y mejorar nuestra productividad es muy importante para poder desarrollar nuestras habilidades y cumplir nuestros objetivos de manera eficaz y satisfactoria. Cuando logramos gestionar correctamente nuestro tiempo podemos mejor la calidad de nuestro trabajo y logramos reducir el estrés acumulado.

El utilizar estas técnicas nos permite centrar nuestras fuerzas en lo que verdaderamente importa. Una mayor productividad no solo se traduce en logros si, no que fomenta un mayor bienestar en nuestra vida.











Export Talents: Representing Guanajuato.

Maat Hazel Castillo Mancera

My name is Maat Hazel Castillo Mancera, I am currently 25 years old, graduated from the University of Celaya in International Trade and I am studying for a Master's Degree in Applied Sciences in Business Administration in Poland.

First of all, I would like to thank all the people who have been part of my trajectories and have taught me everything I know, all those who have supported me in my growth and especially my parents who have always been behind my achievements.

After finishing high school at Colegio Marista de Celaya, I had the opportunity to go to study again the last year of high school at Winston Churchill School, San Antonio, TX, where I graduated and obtained recognition for my career by having represented the institution at the regional level in various competitions. At this point in my life I realized that what I wanted was to become a great entrepreneur with an international focus and I needed to acquire the best skills to become one.

I returned to Celaya and started working as an English trainer in an open high school and in the company Avon Cosmetics, where we started a language training project in which we worked together with different areas of the company to develop the skills of the staff, both labor and administrative.

I began my university studies at the University of Celaya, with the idea of establishing a business located in the Bajio region related to International Trade, so I decided to study my career in this area because of the leadership skills and focus on personal growth that the University imparts to its students.

During my first semesters at the University I had studied and read about the growing economy of Brazil and how it has positioned itself over the years as the strongest economy in Latin America, competing with other countries including Mexico, so I decide to do a semester in this country and based on that goal I focused my dedication to get good grades and be recognized by my teachers, I decided to apply as one of the candidates for this opportunity and in a couple of weeks I was notified that I was selected and that next semester I would be doing part of my studies in one of the most prestigious Universities in Latin America and the world: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, along with five classmates from my same University with whom I made very close relationships.

At the University I gained a deep understanding of the economy of this country and the development it has undergone, and I also developed the Portuguese language, which would help me later on in my career.

I return to my alma mater, the University of Celaya, and I am left with a thorn in my side from my international apprenticeship that makes me want to look beyond what I had at the time.

At the end of my professional career and a couple of months before graduation I decided to look for scholarships to pursue my graduate studies abroad in business administration, a field that caught my attention during my undergraduate studies, so I dedicated much of my time to search and apply for different scholarships and opportunities around the world, looking for prestigious institutions where I can develop and grow my skills and develop new ones.

Among my options was the University of Poland in Czestochowa, which offers me a scholarship for one hundred percent of my graduate studies for the entire period linked to my performance as a student of this institution so I decide to take this opportunity and move to Poland.

During my stay in Poland and as a Polish student I apply and compete for the scholarship granted by the European Union Erasmus, which provides a monetary support to perform a student mobility for a semester at one of the Universities with agreement in different countries within and outside the European Union, A couple of weeks after my application I was informed of the acceptance of my mobility, so I decide to move to Lisbon, Portugal, to do a semester at the Instituto Superior de Comunicación Empresarial, in which I successfully conclude my career getting to expand my communication and marketing skills.

I return to Mexico to renew my VISA and to spend a pleasant moment with my family and I find out about a scholarship granted by Educafin and the Government of the State of Guanajuato called Talentos de Exportación, so I decide to apply before my return to the second year of the master's program. Weeks after my application I was summoned to Leon, Gto. for a final interview and it was there where they told me that I had been selected to represent the state as the first generation of this economic support to better conclude my last two semesters, in which, together with them, we will carry out a project to help the state according to my knowledge acquired in recent years.

I expect Celaya to be a nationally competitive city, not only in industrialization and technology, but also in human talent.

I am Luis Guillermo Morales and I am a proud graduate of the University of Celaya with a degree in Administrative Industrial Engineering.

Before graduating I had the opportunity to do an internship at GKN Villagrán and later I was selected in the first Trainee program at Avon Cosmetics Celaya. And it is important for me to share these first experiences as a professional, because together with all the theory and skills I developed as a student, it was the perfect combination for my professional start.

While Uni gave me great bases to start my professional history and as such, the new way of teaching and measuring students through competencies I think it is an excellent way to stimulate us as students and continuous improvement, because life outside the classroom comes to have important challenges that can only be overcome with good foundation, because it is obvious that experience is not the "strong" of a recent graduate.

After graduating from college I started working at Beta Procesos, a company proudly from Celaya, where we are dedicated to the manufacture, sale and distribution of detergents and sanitizers for the food and institutional industry. My first position was as Chief in the operational commercial area, where I was in charge of reviewing the cleaning and sanitizing processes of our customers. This included giving massive and personalized training, both in the field and in the classroom. Even the solution of technical problems and continuous improvement in the application of the products.

After 5 years I took my current position, as Administrative Commercial and Marketing Manager at national level. Where I am mainly in charge of issues such as cost and resource control for customer service, analysis and authorization of equipment investments for new customers, price list development, commercial cost analysis and proposal development for potential prospects.

Every day I continue to learn new things, but something that fortunately I learned in my short experience is to "follow up" my goals and write down each one of them. Whether it is daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly follow up, but always FOLLOW UP! I have an excellent work team but I have found that when we stop measuring actions and setting goals, we get lost along the way.

The mix between my soft skills, studies and short experience have led me to certain professional micro-victories:

  • For the second consecutive year, I have generated a 4.8% increase in sales nationwide. By simply executing and following up on the annual price increase (inflation) of all our customers in Mexico. This has never happened before in the history of the company, as it was "tedious" to follow up with 1,200 customers scattered throughout the country. Together with the excellent work and born ability of my Commercial Director, we achieved a 22.1% sales increase in 2018.
  • I managed to reduce customer service expenses by 14% since 2017. I arrived at this result with simple actions but a lot of follow-up: I measured expenses, verified how much was really necessary, and then topped up monthly budgets for each person providing customer service. In 2018 we managed to automate the process with the help of our IT department, with the creation of a Beta electronic portal.
  • Right now I am measuring the frequency of customer visits, which is a fundamental part of our business, service. In August 2018 we had 57% compliance nationwide, in March 2019 we are at 79% compliance. And we will surely close 2019 with 90% compliance. This will increase the trust and loyalty of our current and future customers.

I believe that the success equation does exist and it is based mainly on Pro-activity + Knowledge, both in our hands.

I recognize the work of the Uni as an educational part of the development of the competencies that we students need for the beginning of our professional lives. I expect Celaya to be a competitive city at a national level, not only in industrialization and technology, but also in human talent.

We want to benefit society

My name is Raymundo Montes Martínez, I am a graduate of the Bachelor's Degree in International Trade of the 2017 generation. The University of Celaya gave me the basis to acquire a global vision and the ability to create solutions to all kinds of business problems that arise in my environment. Within my career, it was the subject of electronic business that changed my "chip" and made me know my vocation... Digital business.

I consider myself a young businessman - entrepreneur with 24 years old, passionate about digital business and eager to share my vision and leadership to other entrepreneurs who want to leave their positive footprint in the world. Within my work experience, I can highlight my ability to create high impact ventures, focused on business models with disruptive innovation and the work involved in their business development and strategic planning to transform Startups with unique solutions in the market.

I started entrepreneurship at the age of 20 and I am pleased to say that I have failed in 4 projects, which provided me with ample learning in terms of the mistakes I made and the continuous improvement in my path as an entrepreneur.

Failure is what leads to success and I say this because all the mistakes I made, the number of doors that were closed to me and the people who gave me advice, at the end of the day gave me the possibility to see the fruits of my efforts. Today, I can gladly share some of the successes I have achieved in my short business career:

  • Founder of Acopio de Metales Guanajuato. Acomet is a company dedicated to the collection of metal waste.
  • Exhibitor as an entrepreneur at the Automotive Forum Querétaro 2016.
  • Exhibitor as entrepreneur at the International Aluminum Congress 2016.
  • Grantee by INADEM 2017 under Call for Proposals: 1.1 Development of Networks and Global Value Chains.
  • Founder of GlobalMark. It is an extended collaborative social network dedicated to connecting people.
  • Winner with GlobalMark in the e-Commerce Startup Competition Mexico 2019, obtaining recognition as the best e-commerce startup in Mexico, by the e-Commerce Institute.

I currently serve as Chairman of the Board and CEO of GlobalMark, an extended collaboration social network dedicated to connecting people and expanding their professional and business development possibilities. Our purpose is to provide technological tools that facilitate communication and collaborative efficiency among people and that they can use them as a means of collaboration among their own work teams and with other people or companies with whom they can quickly and conveniently interact.

We want to benefit society, we want to make it possible for them to get a job, establish professional and business relationships, undertake projects, share knowledge, organize their activities and position their brands, products and services, in one place and in a different way.

Get to know the platform: https://www.globalmark.info