Blanca, an architecture student, studied for a semester in Bogota, Colombia.
When you entered Uni, did you know that there were international programs?
Yes, it was one of my main reasons for joining, the opportunity to study in another country.
At what point and why did you start thinking about applying for a scholarship and studying in another country?
In seventh semester, but because of pandemic it was complicated, so I decided to try it in my last semester.
Why did you decide to study in that country?
Colombia has a very interesting architecture and a very marked urbanist sense, they look for sustainability and proper functioning in their architectural projects.
How was the scholarship application process?
It was relatively easy, the indications are clear and always arrive in the mail, I made an effort to perform well in the race, it was a little complicated the acceptance, but that is part of the university where I did the exchange.
How did you prepare for this new experience?
I searched for as much information as possible about the university and the area where the university was located, researched about its culture and safety of the place.
How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?
It was exciting, it was different and a unique experience, an exchange (living in another country) completely changes your life and perception of where you are and you don't come back thinking the same way.
How have you been received at the university where you arrived?
Everyone was very friendly and helpful and commented that whatever we needed they were there to support us.
What do you miss the most about Mexico and UNI?
The food, the weather and the people, I feel that Mexicans are a little warmer. I missed the facilities at UNI, they are very different and we have more green and recreational areas, and my teachers.
What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience? And the most difficult?
The most exciting thing has been getting to know Colombia and all its diversity, its changing fruits and climates, its hills and the good air quality.
The hardest part has been adapting to the food and the people in the capital, who are a bit cold and hurried.
How do you think this experience will influence you as a person and professionally?
Yes, it has definitely changed, I no longer see architecture in the same way and I understand the diversity that exists to work with and to know.
What advice would you give to those who are about to go on exchange to another country?
They should take advantage of every second, enjoy and learn as much as they can, soak up the city and its culture.
Would you recommend these opportunities offered by UNI to your colleagues?
Yes, I highly recommend it, UNI accompanies you and is always looking out for you and your stay in another country. Thank you!