Carmen Jazmin of the Bachelor of International Business at Hallym University, South Korea

When you entered Uni, did you know there were international programs?

Yes, that's precisely why I entered the University of Celaya, because I found out that they had exchange programs abroad and that's what I wanted.

At what point and why did you start thinking about applying for a scholarship and studying in another country?  

Since I entered the university, but I was told that I had to wait until I met certain requirements, so I prepared myself from the beginning to be selected.

Why did you decide to study in that country?

Their culture really catches my attention, and the language is extremely interesting from my point of view, plus my musical taste also includes K-pop and my entertainment includes K-dramas.

How was the scholarship application process?

I think it was quite simple, however, you should prepare yourself beforehand, especially with activities that will help you to be selected; extracurricular activities.

How did you prepare for this new experience?

A month before I left I learned to read the language (not quite to understand and translate it) and that helped me a lot to enter the country, I also prepared the papers that the university asked me and researched places I wanted to visit.

How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?

Nostalgia, because when I arrived my parents were not waiting for me. Impotence, because some people were very impatient and I had no way to communicate with them, but as soon as I arrived at the university I was filled with excitement to meet people and how my life was going to be in those 5 months.

How have you been received at the university where you arrived?

Quite nice, the people were quite nice and pleasant; they like foreigners and are very impressed that Mexicans come to their country.

What do you miss the most about Mexico and UNI?
I missed the food and the different flavors it contains and I also missed my family.

What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience? And the most difficult?
The friendships I made and the different trips within the country that I was able to make, which were a lot of fun.

The most difficult thing for me was the complicated subjects I chose, I lived in constant stress thanks to the intense study that I took, besides the atmosphere during exam season was very heavy, because there they work so hard that stress is felt everywhere.

How do you think this experience will influence you as a person and professionally?

Personally, I feel that my sense of responsibility has increased a lot compared to how it was before I left, living on my own in a strange place creates a different kind of self-awareness. 

On a professional level, the classes helped a lot and what you learn about the country you are in helps you develop thinking that will help me to be a better professional in the future.

What advice would you give to those who are about to go on exchange to another country?
Have a lot of patience with learning the place where you are, do a lot of research beforehand about the new country to visit, its language, culture and make new friends.

Would you recommend these opportunities offered by UNI to your colleagues?

This is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity where you get to experience amazing things and gain lifelong friendships.