Women Entrepreneurs Program


Sustainability at the University of Celaya

Sustainable Development Goals Impacted


The role played by women throughout history has demonstrated the importance of women in all areas of society. Currently, all eyes are focused on promoting the economic empowerment of women, which will allow significant progress towards gender equality, the elimination of poverty in some sectors of the population and, above all, inclusive business development.

It is because of this that the University of Celaya took the initiative to actively integrate itself into this process of development and self-realization of Celaya's women. It is evident the impact that women have, such as the development of a productive and working life, the change in the way of educating their children, high impact entrepreneurship in the local economy, including empowerment and the perception of themselves as a fundamental pillar of society.


The institutional program "Women Entrepreneurs" aims to:

"To strengthen and develop the entrepreneurial skills and abilities of women in our environment".

The program seeks to develop women in the following aspects:

  •       Encourage the development of women as innovative leaders in their environment.
  •       Creation of businesses with social impact
  •       Identification and development of a customer portfolio
  •       Efficient management of resources (economic, technological and personal time).
  •       Creation of a network of women entrepreneurs
  •       Maintain an innovative and resilient entrepreneurial mindset.


This program began as a complementary part of the institutional programs "STEM Girls" and "PERAJ Boys", seeking a complete family impact, since the target audience was the mothers of the participating children. 

This first stage began in the month of September 2019, with the participation of 30 women, who took sessions led by 5 teachers from the University on topics such as Digital Literacy, Costs, Sales, Personal Motivation and Leadership. This continued during 2020 with the participation of 10 mothers.

For the year 2021 we sought to have a greater impact on society, so we modified the concept of the program, developing conferences and interviews with several key people, experts in entrepreneurship issues with extensive experience in it. These conferences benefited around 60 people among women, students and professors who had the objective of developing as entrepreneurs. 

During the 2022-2023 cycle, we continued with the concept of expert interviews, aimed at the entire female population interested in developing their entrepreneurial skills. In this cycle we had the participation of 41 women in the process of development as leaders, 9 tutors and 5 students, who supported this program.


This program directly impacts Goal 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls) of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In particular, it focuses on the goal of ensuring women's full and effective participation and equal leadership opportunities at all decision-making levels in political, economic and public life. 



"Real change, lasting change, happens one step at a time." Ruth Bader Ginsburg
<i style="caret-color: #000000;">“Cambia tu vida hoy, no apuestes al futuro, actúa ahora, sin demora</i><i>”</i><i style="caret-color: #000000;"> Simone de Beauvoir</i>


If you are interested in participating or obtaining more information about this program, please contact us at the following email address:

Dr. Natalie Díaz Acevedo - Project Leader

School of Business University of Celaya


News center:

To stay up to date with the talks and webinars on the women entrepreneurship program, we invite you to consult the official Facebook site of the School of Business of the University of Celaya.

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099

Opening hours

Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080

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