In the last decade we have seen in Mexico a growth of new provisions that bring, in themselves, elements of self-regulation, such as the Protection of Personal Data, the law of prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, the law of economic competition, the Anticorruption law, the criminal liability of the legal person, Rule 035, among other provisions that are in the Treaty between Mexico, United States and Canada (T-MEC) that recently entered into force.
This treaty contains several provisions that are part of compliance: labor, regional content, environmental, intellectual property, anti-corruption, among many others, as well as other new laws that are currently being discussed or are in the pipeline, such as the General Law on Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Due Diligence, known as the Law on Business and Human Rights.
Under this new dynamic, trained professionals with knowledge of regulations, risk analysis and methodology are required to implement, put into practice and improve compliance systems.
Undoubtedly, these professional profiles are already in high demand in several countries due to the need and belief that the best companies are those that are sustainable over time with an adequate management of compliance with their regulatory obligations.
At the University of Celaya we are committed to generate programs of academic and practical value for the industry, and with the Diploma in Compliance for the Automotive Industry we are contributing to this new generation of professionals to one of the most important areas of our country and a great pillar of the economy, both in the assembly of light and heavy vehicles and in the auto parts industry, which has influence in several countries.
The Diploma in Compliance for the Automotive Industry offered by the University of Celaya has the following distinctive elements:
- Preventive compliance with the laws, agreements and commitments of the companies in the sector is essential for sustainable companies.
- The Diploma in Compliance offers the following highlights:
The best national and international professors in the field teach classes; they are professors from Spain, Colombia and Chile.
At the national level, experts in each of the legal areas participate, from the participation of corporate governance, anti-corruption issues, corporate criminal liability, tax issues, foreign trade, prevention of money laundering, to health and hygiene, labor, environmental issues, among others.
It is the first program where it is remarkable that legal directors of automakers, or of groups of auto parts companies, speak about their knowledge and experience.
It is the first program in Mexico recognized by the Word Compliance Association (WCA) in terms of content valid for international certification as a Compliance Officer.
We invite you to register for the next 2021 edition, which will open on April 9.
For further information, please write to or send a WhatsApp message to 461-124-9539.
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