Our student Nelly Melissa Carmona from the Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Audiovisual Media, shares with us her experience shares with us the experience of her international stay at the Pontificia Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.

When you entered Uni did you know there were international programs? there were international programs?

 Yes, I had the knowledge of that.

When you entered your career did you think you would go to live and study abroad? you would go to live and study abroad?

I hoped to do so even though I didn't know if I would make it.

Have you ever lived or studied outside Mexico?

 Yes, I had participated in an international international volunteering in the city of Bröllin, Germany for a month thanks to the thanks to the Manos por el Mundo scholarship from EDUCAFIN.

What motivated you to study in another country? to study in another country?

To experience a different culture, gain new knowledge in the area I develop, see how communication was in other countries and be more independent. communication in other countries and be more independent.

Why did you decide to study in that country? country?

I chose Brazil mainly because of the challenge of learning a new language, besides the fact that in Mexico, they don't talk much about it I was interested in learning about their culture and way of life. way of life. I also chose Brazil because of the University, since PUCRS is one of the best in the area I was in, which was the Faculty of in the area that I was in, which was the Faculty of Communication and Art.

What did you feel when you arrived in the new country?

Excitement and a bit of nerves because at the beginning I did not know the language, nor did I know the city. I didn't know the language or the city, but as time went by I started to get used to it and I started to get used to it and I really enjoyed Porto Alegre and the friends I made. friends I made.

How have you been received at the university where you arrived?

The Mobility team received me very well. They always supported us with all the doubts we had, and in the procedures we had to do, they assigned us a "university friend" who is a "university friend". and they assigned us a "university friend" who is a student of the university who is advising us student of the university who is advising us on whatever we need. the teachers were always willing to solve any doubts I had and my classmates, when we worked as a team, were always attentive. and my classmates when we worked as a team were always attentive.

What will you miss most about Mexico?

What I sincerely missed the most was food, and my family and friends.

And now that I'm back what I will miss most I will miss most about Brazil is the friends I made there, always challenging myself trying to pronounce words in to pronounce words in Portuguese and going out to meet people.

What about the Uni?

I will miss very much the PUCRS facilities as they are very good, my teachers and my faculty "FAMECOS" in general.

What is the most exciting thing you have experience so far?

Meeting people from all over the world and live with them day by day, as well as practicing several languages, and that Brazil is totally different Brazil is totally different in that it is more open-minded than Mexico, which I liked I liked it, although it had its exceptions like everything else.

And the hardest part?

Living in a country that speaks another language, and adapting to the schedules there (both meals and going to school at night). going to school at night)

What do you expect as a person and as a professional from this program?

Applying the knowledge acquired in this exchange I have matured as a person, become more responsible, work and study hard to return to Brazil one day study hard to return someday to Brazil and to visit the friends I made in the world. in the world.

These opportunities provided by the Uni do you recommend them to your colleagues?

I recommend them 100%, it is a unique opportunity and an unforgettable experience that you will not regret. you will not regret.

Thank you Uni!