Our student Natalia Gámez, from the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition, received a scholarship for an international stay in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She shares with us her student experience at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.

When you entered Uni did you know there were international programs?

Yes, that is one of the reasons why I chose this university, because its curriculum is very complete and offers opportunities that help you to have a better professional formation.

When you entered your career, did you think you would go to live and study abroad?

It was always a goal that I wanted to accomplish during my stay at the University of Celaya, however, many times I saw the opportunity to study abroad far away, but thanks to not giving up and making my best effort, I was able to achieve it.

Have you ever lived or studied outside of Mexico before?

No, it was my first experience outside my country. 

What prompted or motivated you to study in another country?

The desire to learn other study methods, another culture and acquire new knowledge for my career, which is the most important thing because it gives you another type of academic approach. And the experience of leaving your comfort zone, because separating from your parents, friends, and family for so many months, makes you value and change both professionally and personally.

Why did you decide to study in that country?

Primarily because in my career I am offered to study at the university in this country, however, what caught my attention was the culture and the language. As well as my career is focused on "Health Sciences" and Brazil is one of the main countries focused on health.

How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?

You feel many mixed feelings, not knowing the language, being out of your country, another different culture and adapting to the climate of the country. It was certainly one of my main problems when I arrived, but everything is a process of adaptation and you enjoy learning and it makes you stronger.

How have you been received at the university where you arrived?

It is a wonderful university in every sense of the word, it is very large, and very focused on student innovation, as well as its facilities, teachers, students, among many other opportunities that are offered to belong to this university "PUCRS" are excellent to grow professionally. As a student of academic mobility they offer you university friends and months before your arrival they contact you and make you feel special because they are always aware of your stay at the university, the teachers are very flexible; because they understand that you speak another language and it is not difficult for you to adapt so they give you your time and space. And something very human for which I am very grateful is that all the foreigners were supported with a basic food for these times of Covid19 and quarantine.

What will you miss most about Mexico and UNI?

I miss my family, friends and above all Mexican cuisine, because without a doubt there is no better food than Mexican food. The University of Celaya in my opinion is one of the best universities because I really like its curriculum, I miss my classes and my professors, because you already know them and you know the way they work, weightings, etc.

What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience?

To get to know the beautiful places that this vast country has to offer, to meet new people with cultures very different from ours, to practice English and learn a very beautiful language such as Portuguese and the culture of this country, which is very beautiful and very emblematic.

And the hardest part?

At the beginning, learning the language and understanding the classes, as we all know, we had a difficult time because this pandemic was what changed my initial expectations, however, you adapt.

What do you expect as a person and as a professional from this experience?

I think that being away from your country is one of the fears that everyone has because you do not know what you are going to face, without your parents, makes you see life differently, to value; because many times we do not realize what we have if not until we are far away and you miss. Personally I matured in many areas of my life and professionally expanded my horizons, I learned and reinforced a lot of knowledge of nutrition, so now I feel like eating the world.

Do you recommend these opportunities provided by Uni to your colleagues?

Yes, these are unique opportunities that you will never regret and it leaves you wanting to go above and beyond, to give more than what is asked of you. I am so grateful for this opportunity!