Prepa Uni of the University of Celaya is recognized as the best private high school in the State of Guanajuato according to the PLANEA test, in which 417 private high schools participated, and whose results can be consulted in the educational traffic light of the citizen platform "Mejora tu escuela" (Improve your school).

Undoubtedly, it is an achievement that recognizes the effort that the University of Celaya makes so that our students have the highest standards of preparation, the best teachers, the best facilities, and a whole series of programs and activities that enrich not only their academic learning but also their human formation.

Day by day, our teachers and administrative staff encourage our young people to seek creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, research, practice of values, social commitment, global vision, multicultural understanding and leadership skills that will allow them to face any challenge in any scenario that may arise.

It is worth mentioning that Prepa Uni is the only one in our region that has the International Baccalaureate, a globally endorsed program, which provides our young people with a preparation with the highest world standards.

We congratulate our students, teachers and collaborators of Prepa Uni for these results of excellence that are a reason for Uni Pride.
