PREPA UNI students represented us at ALEXMUN 2019, a United Nations simulation event held at the Alexander Bain Institute in Irapuato, which was attended by about 200 students from different high schools in the country.

To participate in this event, students prepare their proposals and documents two months in advance. In these forums they must consider the political position of the country, important social events, problems, economic generalities, etc.

Some of the committees in which our students participated were: OECD (Organization for economic cooperation and development), UN WOMEN (United Nations Women), UNCHR (United Nations High Conditioner for Refugees), UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund).

After 3 days of long debates and negotiations in English, students VEVA MIRIAM CABRERA and PIA VIEYRA ARROYO won the Best Delegate and Best Diplomat awards respectively.

Honorable mentions also went to students BRENDA JAIR NARA FAT and JOSÉ AGUSTIN CISNEROS FIGUEROA.

All with excellent performance and outstanding participation.

Special thanks to teacher Gloria García for the excellent preparation of the students who represented us in the model.