Our student Alison Michelle Quintanilla, a student of Global Business at the University of Global Business at the University of Celaya and winner of the Uni Scholarship for a stay at the Pontificia Universidade Católica at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, shares with us more about this incredible opportunity.

When you entered Uni did you know there were international programs?

I had full and complete knowledge about these programs and scholarships, it was one of the reasons why I decided to enter the University of Celaya; because I believe that the opportunities it offers are really good.

When you entered your career, did you think you would go to live and study abroad?
I not only believed it, it was one of my main goals in my stay at the university, the truth is that I had not yet planned the destination, but I was very clear about my goals.

Have you ever lived or studied outside of Mexico before?

Never, it always caught my attention, but I had not had the opportunity.

What prompted or motivated you to study in another country?

It was a set, because just as my parents motivated me to continue my studies and maintain my average, I also wanted to improve myself and be better every day, to set goals and overcome new challenges.

Why did you decide to study in that country?

I wanted a new project in my life, something out of my comfort zone and to learn a new language, besides Brazil is a country with a large territorial extension where you could fit almost all of Europe in it. I was also very interested in the way business is conducted, as it has a lot of economic relevance in South America and how foreign investment has become important.

How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?

It was an incomparable experience since I had never been and lived alone for more than a week, I had never been on a plane, let alone gone to another country; it was a very interesting challenge and I would definitely repeat it.

How have you been received at the university where you arrived?

They were very friendly, cheerful people always willing to help you in any way possible and the teachers were very professional, dedicated and experts in their field.

What did you miss most about Mexico?

Definitely my family, I consider myself a person extremely attached to my parents, but that did not stop me from facing the opportunity that was presented to me.

And clearly the food since, like Mexico, its culture and gastronomy are second to none.

What about the Uni?

Although the academic level of PUCRS is good, I missed the way our great professors teach and the teacher-student relationship we have.

What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience?

There are several things I would like to say; learning a different language is for me like installing another software, meeting people who are not in your usual social circle is interesting because at least in my case that I lived in a house where we lived around 60 people, it was challenging to live together and not kill each other by sharing common areas, it was also exciting to see new places, share the view of the wonderful scenery with people who become important in your life and great friends.

And the hardest part?

There was nothing that I really considered difficult since I took it as a new challenge to overcome, learn from it and take it with the best possible philosophy.

What do you expect as a person and as a professional from this program?

I know that I will take with me new knowledge and skills with which I will be able to face the world of work and my personal life in a more creative and courageous way.

Do you recommend these opportunities provided by Uni to your colleagues?

Totally, they are incredible opportunities and probably unrepeatable, not because of the fact of being or living in another place, but because where could we find people or places that can pay for the school we want to attend in another country, probably exist, but if you are already if you are already in a university that already offers you these benefits and opportunities, why not take advantage of it and take advantage of it?why not take advantage of it and make the best of it?

Besides, I repeat, it is an unforgettable experience because; I learned a little more about the life outside my comfort zone, the real life that awaits me and with certainty I can say that I am more prepared for the challenges to come.

I am very grateful to Uni for giving me the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills that I will surely be able to take full advantage of in this and the following stages of my life.

I also thank PUCRS for supporting my personal and academic development.