Interview with Heliodoro Flores Neri, student of the Bachelor in Tourism with Uni scholarship to study in Brazil.

When you entered Uni did you know there were international programs?
Yes, in fact it was one of the reasons why I decided to study here.

Did you think you would go live and study abroad in your first semester?
No, it's really a dream, I knew I wanted to do one but it was a long term goal, I never imagined that on my first attempt I would achieve it.

Have you ever lived or studied outside of Mexico before?
No, it is never the first time I travel outside my country.

What prompted or motivated you to study in another country?
The fact of learning about a different culture, living that experience and therefore learning in a different educational system, I like challenges and I also wanted to learn a new language.

Why did you decide to study in that country?
Because of the language and cultural diversity, I wanted to be in direct contact with Brazilian culture.

How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?
It was an indescribable feeling because it was not only one but several, it was a kind of excitement, happiness, curiosity, fear, joy, uncertainty, among others, I certainly can not express that feeling. It was simply incredible.

How have you been received at the university where you arrived?
The academic mobility people are very warm, they care about us, they are attentive and support us, they are not just another institutional authority, they become a kind of friends and support in that country.

What will you miss most about Mexico?
There are too many things that are missed, such as family, friends, food and some material things, however, being away the important thing is not what you have or had, but what you can get to do, know and learn.

What about the Uni?
My friends, teachers and some classes, despite also being an American country, have some contrasts in the system.

What is the most exciting thing you have lived so far in this experience? It is difficult, there have been so many moments, however the fact of living with people from more than 10 different countries and even making them your new family, is something that I will certainly never forget, because the effort of everyone trying to communicate in the same language is crazy when the knowledge of this is short, it is certainly the best thing that has happened to me because I made friendships for life.

And the hardest part?
Difficult question, however I think that something that marked my life forever was my arrival to the country, since it was quite an adventure to make my first trip out of Mexico, alone, without knowing the local language, hungry, sleepy and a series of moments that at the end of the day are funny.

What do you expect as a person and as a professional from this program?
Undoubtedly, this type of program broadens our cultural, personal and professional horizons, making us more responsible and empathetic people, two of the factors that the world of work demands today.

Do you recommend these opportunities provided by Uni to your colleagues?
Of course, these are unique opportunities that are within everyone's reach, with a little effort everything can be achieved.

Thank you very much UNI!