Deisi Valeria is studying Culinary Art and won the international scholarship to study for a semester at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Colombia.

When you entered Uni, did you know there were international programs?

No, I was unaware that this program existed for international scholarships.

At what point and why did you start thinking about applying for a scholarship and studying in another country?  

I learned about this program in my second semester, however, I thought about applying in my fifth semester. I was very excited to get to know another country.

Why did you decide to study in that country?

Because Colombia called my attention, from the culture, gastronomy and society.

How was the scholarship application process?

The process was quite simple, you only have to fill out a form on behalf of the University of Celaya and meet certain requirements that are required; they support you in everything. 

How did you prepare for this new experience?

As a 9th semester student, I had to prepare all my requirements for graduation, such as my internship, social service, and also, I had to look for too much information to live in Colombia.

How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?

I was very excited and at the same time quite scared because I did not know if it would be a good experience, if the country would be as I imagined it would be, but it was really a very good experience.

How have you been received at the university where you arrived?

Everyone was too kind, like a second family, they welcome you with open arms.

What do you miss the most about Mexico and UNI?

From Mexico I missed my family and the food.

What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience? And the most difficult?

The most difficult thing was to arrive in a country so different from yours, the fear of an experience being so far away from your homeland and the most exciting thing is all the places I have had the opportunity to know and the friendships I have made.

How do you think this experience will influence you as a person and professionally?

For the professional side I feel that winning an international scholarship gives you a good opportunity to put it on your CV and for me, it made me understand very important things in life, it gives you a bigger vision of the things you can achieve.

What advice would you give to those who are about to go on exchange to another country?

They should be prepared in the best possible way before leaving, and be open to all possibilities.

Would you recommend these opportunities offered by UNI to your colleagues?

Of course it is, without a doubt it is a great opportunity that should be taken advantage of, Thank you Universidad de Celaya!