Paulina Ruiz, our student of the Bachelor's Degree in International Commerce, made an international stay at the University of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. Thanks to her effort and dedication as winner of a Uni.

When you entered Uni did you know there were international programs?

Yes, I was already aware of these exchange programs.

When you entered your career, did you think you would go to live and study abroad?

No, I didn't really plan to study abroad, I thought it would be a bit complicated.

Have you already lived or studied outside of Mexico? What motivated you to study in another country?

No, I had only had short stays in another place, but what attracted me the most to study in another country was to know and live that experience.

Why did you decide to study in that country?

I liked Spain because I had never traveled to that country before and I was very interested in going to a completely different place in terms of timetables, culture, etc.

How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?

At first I was a little afraid of traveling alone, not knowing what it would be like, but then it turned into excitement.

How have you been received at the university where you arrived?

Super nice, the truth is that they were very nice and welcoming to us. I would gladly come back.

What will you miss most about Mexico and UNI?

My family, the food, and my friends.

What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience?

Arriving at that university where we knew completely nothing about how to work was more of a challenge than anything else.

And the hardest part?

With all this contingency that happened, the hardest thing was having to come back early and not being able to fulfill all the plans I had, although classes continued online.

What do you expect as a person and as a professional from this experience?

To acquire as much knowledge as possible, to grow and mature as a person, to be more independent, since this experience is based on that more than anything else, all the decisions I make will be for me and for my wellbeing.

Do you recommend these opportunities provided by Uni to your colleagues?

Yes, absolutely, everyone who is presented with the opportunity should not miss it.