Master of Business Administration

SEP 2024100 Agreement of June 18, 2002.

Mexico is currently the largest economy in Latin America, maintaining steady growth and financial stability in recent years.

In Mexico, close to 70% of new businesses are family businesses, of which only those with a global, institutional and strategic vision reach the second generation.

The state of Guanajuato has nearly 5.6 million inhabitants, of which almost 2.5 million work; it also has exports that produce more than 11.8 million dollars within a 400-kilometer territorial radius through which it has access to 80% of the country's population.

Guanajuato is an excellent territory to conduct business since it is ranked sixth in the country with 180 thousand productive units.

Why Studying at the Uni?

Studying at the Universidad de Celaya allows you to have an updated business vision of the region, the country and the global environment. The Universidad de Celaya is the most complete institution in the region that offers a business school with bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in Administration. 

It has first class facilities and state-of-the-art technology for the academic support required by our students. 

It has agreements with institutions in different parts of the world, which allows a global business vision so necessary for the dynamism demanded by the environment. 

In the master's program, you can specialize in Quality, Finance or Marketing.

Academic Excellence

  • Business approach.
  • Highly Qualified Professors
  • Continuous updated curriculum
  • Favour real case studies and the use of advanced technological tools

Uni Culture

  • Comprehensive training program in a safety campus for an optimal physical and emotional development, with values and social leadership.
  • World class facilities, equipment and technology.


Global Vision

  • Study Abroad Program that allows you to take short stays, summers, semesters, double or triple international degrees or graduate studies in prestigious universities in the United States, Canada, China, Korea, Spain and South America.
  • Our campus is linked to some other universities through projects, activities, videoconferences and visits from international experts.


  • “Leaders and Entrepreneurs Forming Center” helps you to set all the startup potential to develop a business plan.
  • High performance sport and artistic teams.


Entry Profile

  • Bachelor's degree in any area of knowledge.
  • Interpret the basic concepts of the different mathematical procedures.
  • Analyzes and interprets information from the economic and social environment.
  • Identifies the need to incorporate improvement projects for the solution of problems and competitiveness of the company.
  • Identifies in daily processes, moral values as the main support for the development and sustainability of the company.
  • Addresses problems and challenges taking into account the objectives it pursues.
  • Understands texts in English.

Graduate Profile


Graduates of the master's degree will develop:

Case studies to analyze the social, economic and political environments that enable you to plan, organize, implement, evaluate and control projects and programs of human resources, finance, business or technology management, allowing the company to have sufficient and competent tools for optimal management.


The graduate applies the knowledge acquired to the development of his or her own company in the manufacturing or services area; likewise, he or she can support any company in the development or management of the different departments that compose it.

Know your campus

¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099

Opening hours

Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080

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