Bachelor's degree in Nutrition

SEP Agreement 201903966 of August 2019

Nutrition is indispensable to change the course of human evolution; it is a profession that is increasingly in demand in its professional fields, such as: Clinical Nutrition, Population Nutrition, Food Services and Food Technology.

The Science of Nutrition is a discipline in constant evolution and in it rests, in an important way, the attention to one of the basic human needs: food; consequently, Nutrition in the individual and collective context.

The role of the nutritionist is very important in the preservation of the health of the individual and the population in general, considering that globalization makes human beings face challenges related to lifestyles that put them at constant risk.

What makes us different?

  • International double degree with the European Union.
  • Academic preparation in the areas of Clinical Nutrition, Population Nutrition, Food Services and Food Technology.
  • Active internationalization program.
  • Soft skills developmentprogram.
  • Intensive national and international internship program.
  • Intensive language program
  • Challenge-based and Project-based learning
  • Expert teachers.

Why to study at Uni?

Entry Profile

Knowledge of high school level or equivalent, preferably in the chemical-biological area.

  1. Service attitudes, interpersonal relations
  • Participate with a civic and ethical conscience in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world.
  • Maintains a respectful attitude towards interculturality and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and social practices.
  • Choose and practice healthy lifestyles.
  • Interest in learning and pursuing a career in the health care field
  • Develops innovations and proposes solutions to problems based on established methods.
  • Spirit of service and vocation to help their fellow men.
  • Contribute to sustainable development in a critical manner, with responsible actions.

Graduate Profile


The Uni has over 20 years of experience in higher education and is one of the best universities nationwide.

Nutrition school has large and equipped labs.

Its faculty is made up of national and international professionals.

You will be able to perform professional internships taking advantage of the excellent academic facilities and clinics and complement your education with national and international academic trips, in addition to attending conventions, seminars and conferences that you will keep you updated on important topics for your career.

As nutritionist graduated from the University of Celaya, your main duty will be to promote good nutrition practices to prevent and improve the health status of people in individual and collective environments; to identify the etiology and natural history of the most frequent nutrition-related diseases and to establish nutritional clinical diagnoses and individual and collective treatments that enhace health.

You will also be able to participate in nutrituional documentary and experimental research projects and to develop new products and manage food services to specific groups in search of community health as a main objective.

Where can you work?

  • Basic nutrition on training and hygienic food management, education and food orientation.
  • Sports and performance nutrition.
  • Clinical Nutrition: refers to nutrition services for people with special health needs.
  • Community nutrition: intervention through national health campaigns giving nutritional orientation in different stages: childhood, adolescence, senescence, pregnancy and lactation.
  • Nutrition and food services in schools, day care centers, nursing homes, hospitals, industry, etc.
  • In education and research.


How will you stand out as a graduate?

  • You will be able to diagnose a patient's Nutritional status to establish a dietary treatment through the evaluation of Nutritional status correlating clinical, biochemical, anthropometric, and dietary indicators using innovative and modern methods.
  • You will evaluate the nutritional and sanitary quality of food in order to propose the development of food for human consumption and improvements in the production and commercialization processes from the nutrition and sustainability approach in order to preserve or improve health based on national and international standards.
  • You will be able to administer food services in public and private institutions to ensure quality standards for consumers, taking into account material and financial human resources, as well as current regulations and the characteristics of diners.
  • You will intervene critically in the development of viable solutions to provide nutritional care to at-risk and sick healthy subjects through a nutritional care intervention, in diverse contexts considering the characteristics of individuals.
  • You will be able to maintain or improve the diet and nutrition of the population by identifying risk determinants that influence individual and social health behaviour in the nutritional status and use of health services through analytical tools and instruments to act as positive agents of change through specific interventions, feeding programmes and public policies that favour healthy lifestyles.
  • You will develop relevant teaching tools to implement as food orientation in formal and non-formal groups based on an understanding of global and regional realities, planning innovative learning situations with creative resources and incorporating technological advances.
  • You will participate in decision-making regarding the definition of public policies and programmes and interventions in the areas of food and nutrition in order to measure and improve the state of nutrition and health of the population through the understanding of previous diagnoses, and appropriate strategies to change the reality using national and international tools, applications and programmes.
  • You will generate and apply theoretical, scientific, administrative and clinical knowledge in order to make decisions based on scientific evidence to promote innovation in the area of food and nutrition by applying critical and self-critical thinking in collaboration with interdisciplinary research teams.
  • You will develop training programs for food service personnel to verify the quality of production processes and care in each of the food service areas through the interpretation and application of certification indicators, distinctives, and current standards.
  • Design, calculate, implement, and follow up on nutritional care plans.
  • You will design, manage and evaluate formal and non-formal educational situations inside and outside a classroom, using the relevant resources according to the subjects involved and assuming the duties and ethical dilemmas of the profession.
  • You will collaborate in multidisciplinary research and development teams for the generation and application of knowledge and is capable of promoting innovation in the area of food and nutrition.
  • You'll be fluent in English.


A graduate tells you

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099

Opening hours

Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080

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