Bachelor's degree in Architecture

SEP Agreement No. 20181386 of 8 June 2018

What makes us different?

  • Only accredited program in the region.
  • Graduates recognized as entrepreneurs and leaders.
  • Active internationalization program.
  • Intensive language program
  • National and international anticipated internships
  • Expert teachers.
  • Life skills development
  • Challenge-based learning

Why to study at Uni?

Entry Profile

  • Knowledge of high school level or equivalent, preferably in the area of physics-mathematics.
  • Interpret, express and communicate their ideas graphically, orally and in writing with sensitivity to art and culture.
  • Use of new technologies to improve the social environment.
  • Develops innovations under a methodological, logical and mathematical thinking, sensitively proposing solutions to everyday situations in a global environment.
  • Learns and participates in multidisciplinary collaborative environments with responsibility, commitment, ethics, respect for the environment and civic awareness.
  • Analyze, reflect and support a personal position on topics of interest and relevance, considering other points of view in a critical manner.

Graduate Profile


The Bachelor's degree in Architecture of the University of Celaya has been accredited by the Mexican Council of Accreditation of the Teaching of the Architecture (COMAEA, nowadays ANPADEH) for being a career that prepares people who think and act as leaders in a global community, with a service attitude to society, with an entrepreneurial approach, highly trained teachers and constant updating curriculum, where study cases and the use of technological tools and vanguardist facilities, giving our students an environment that encourages the art of creating living spaces for humanity in order to satisfy their needs, both functional and aesthetic, thus achieving a better life quality. In Architecture, technique and art, theory and practice are involved.

  • Conceives the architectural object, projects it, plans it, processes it, executes it and manages it with a high sense of ethics, responsibility and social commitment.
  • Analyzes, synthesizes and evaluates the architectural and urban problems to provide an innovative, adequate and sustainable solution. Has fully domain of architectural and urban theories.
  • Knows and values the architectural cultural heritage, respects it and promotes its conservation.
  • The graduate has fully domain of traditional and avant-garde techniques in the use of materials, constructive processes, design processes and architectural representation.
  • Recognizes the project process as a method of research, uses quantitative and qualitative methods as tools to provide innovative solutions that enhace the habitat.
  • Researches to draw up new materials and constructive systems.
  • Is enterprising, innovative and creative; efficiently works in teams both collegiate and multidisciplinary.
  • It is expressed efficiently in oral, written and graphical form.
  • Knows other regions' and countries' culture appreciating and valuing its architectural and cultural heritage.

How will you stand out as a graduate?

  • You will be a proactive leader, innovator, entrepreneur and with values with the ability to run your own company.
  • You will have a world class preparation to develop in any industrial or commercial, manufacturing or service institution in both the public and private sectors.
  • English and German for business high domain.
  • You will have real experience in projects with companies and institutions in the region because you can carry out business consultancy work.
  • You will have a global vision of your professional area and can carry out training, teaching and research activities in organizations, companies and educational institutions.

Students at the University of Celaya have the opportunity to study the Professionalization Course: Transforming the City of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria at the end of his undergraduate studies in architecture.

A graduate tells you

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¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099

Opening hours

Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080

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