Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Con Especialidad en Automatización de Procesos Industriales
Acuerdo SEP No. 20231480 del 29 de mayo de 2023<strong></strong><strong></strong>
¿Por qué es importante la Ingeniería Biomédica?
It is the career with greater growth prediction in the workplace because by federal decree all hospitals and medical or health units must have at least one biomedical engineer.
The investment in Mexico for biotechnology generation has had an exponential increase from 18% to 36%.
The opportunities offered by this sector will be for those professionals who are leaders with an a strategic and enterprising vision, responding to the demands of the globalized world as well as those of the regional and national competitiveness.
What makes us different?
Use of cutting-edge software in the industry.
Active internationalization program.
Life skills development program (soft skills program)
National and international anticipated internship program. Advanced Internship Program in national and international companies.
International Networking.
Intensive English and German program.
Challenge-based and Project-based learning
Graduates recognized as entrepreneurs and leaders
Graduates recognized by employers for their high profile
International certifications in quality, productivity, informatics and logistics.
Expert and specialized teachers.
Participation in international contests and congresses.
Specialized infrastructure for industrial practicing. (Innovation in Engineering Center).
Core Tools, CATIA, Delmia and Labview certifications.
Además, los alumnos de la Universidad de Celaya tienen la posibilidad de estudiar el Máster Universitario en Terapias Avanzadas en Biomedicina o el Master in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Data Analysis at the Francisco de Vitoria University. at the end of his undergraduate studies in Biomedical Engineering.
Entry Profile
Studying the bechelor's degree in Biomedical engineering at the University of Celaya will provide you with the opportunity to have highly trained teachers, use of specialized in first level facilities equipment and you can also be a member of the student branch ASQ-UNI and the SOMIB Mexican Society of Biomedical Engineering, which will allow you to attend international conferences and be part of the world's most important network of professionals in the field of quality and productivity.
At the end of the program, the graduate from the bachelor's degree in Biomedical engineering from the University of Celaya will be able to:
- Design and apply high technology to solve specific problems and needs in the fields of medicine and biology.
- Make more effective and efficient health services through proper integration, operation and managing of medical technology in clinics and hospitals.
- Analyze, design, install and maintain medical instruments for diagnosis and therapy.
- Assist the integral rehabilitation of people with disabilities, by means of the design and adaptation of equipment and technological systems that allow them to perform in their life scope.
Perfil de egreso
Fields of action of Biomedical Engineering in Mexico
Implement innovation in health services, commercialization of medical equipment, as well as its maintenance and the creation of health-related businesses.
- Development of medical instrumentation systems, devices for obtaining and analyzing medical signals and images, and biosensors.
- Development of biomechanical devices, such as prostheses and orthoses, devices or systems for rehabilitation and sports medicine.
- Hospital administration and clinical engineering.
- Research in the area of health and biological systems.
How will you stand out as a graduate?
- You will be a proactive, innovative, enterprising and ethical leader with the ability to run your own business or dedicate yourself to research, development and care for people with disabilities looking for new technological solutions to health problems.
- You will have a world class preparation to perform in any hospital center and public or private clinics, operating and managing its technological infrastructure.
- Full domain of english language.
- You'll have real experience in projects linked with regional companies and institutions that will allow you to work in the medical equipment industry.
- You will have a global vision of your professional field that let you perform in public and private health sector organizations supporting the elaboration, operation and supervision of certification procedures.
¿Por qué estudiar en la Uni?
Know your campus
¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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