Communication students presented a forum entitled ECOS as part of their Public Relations course, where different social aid organizations active in Celaya presented their work and trajectory.

At the beginning of the event, Heriberto Mendoza, Professor of Public Relations, gave his students a message of gratitude and admiration for doing this work, and then began with student Alicia Espinoza, who shared the work done by the organization Cielo Abierto, a children's home headed by Brenda Patiño.


Next, Ivan Silis spoke about the Bajío Women's Network, led by Evelyne Sinuuin, which supports the rights and opportunities of women in the region.

For his part, Ramón Peñaflor spoke about the Down Celaya organization, which is headed by Alejandra Acosta, and treats people with Down syndrome; he also invited people to help increase the resources of this organization, since it is relatively new.

Finally, Rosa Garcia extended her feelings about the organization Cuatro Patitas, founded by Raul Rodriguez Velazquez, and dedicated to the protection of animals in order to eradicate their mistreatment.

The jury included Verónica Torres, AMANC volunteer; Carlos Gregorio Díaz, University professor and founder of the Dos Ruedas movement; and Fernando Amate, city chronicler, who at the end of the presentations congratulated the students on their work.

At the end of the event, awards were presented to all the representatives of the organizations, who shared their experiences throughout their careers in these foundations.