Alejandra, an engineering student, tells us about her experience living in Lleida during the six months of her Uni international scholarship.
- When you entered Uni did you know there were international programs?
Yes, I had the opportunity to study at Uni since high school and since then I knew that the University had international programs.
- When you entered your career, did you think you would go to live and study abroad?
I had always wanted to live the experience of studying abroad for a semester, when I entered the race this was one of my goals but because of the pandemic I thought it was not going to be possible.
- Have you ever lived or studied outside of Mexico before?
I had the opportunity to win a scholarship from EDUCAFIN and support from UNI for a one-week study trip to Canada. I enjoyed that trip so much that I was constantly looking for opportunities to travel and study abroad.
- What prompted or motivated you to study in another country?
I had always wanted to travel and study abroad, it was one of my goals.
- Why did you decide to study in that country?
My dream had always been to travel to Europe, when the opportunity to study in Spain came up I didn't think twice. Spain is a place full of history and culture, it is definitely a country you have to visit.
- How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?
At the beginning it was a little difficult because there are many changes, the people, the culture, everything is different. However, little by little you adapt and learn from every experience and person you meet.
- How have you been received at the university where you arrived?
Since before arriving in Spain, the University of Lleida has been in contact with us, they have always been willing to help us and solve any doubts that may arise before and during this semester abroad.
- What will you miss most about Mexico and UNI?
Definitely my family and friends, but without a doubt also Mexican food.
- What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience?
The opportunity to visit several countries, not only Spain, and to meet people who have undoubtedly made this experience one of the best of my life.
- And the hardest part?
At the beginning, adapting to a new culture and language was the most complicated part.
- What do you expect as a person and as a professional from this experience?
To grow both personally and academically in a new environment full of challenges and new experiences.
- Do you recommend these opportunities provided by Uni to your colleagues?
These six months have been amazing, I definitely recommend studying abroad. It is a unique and unforgettable opportunity. I will never forget everything I have experienced and known thanks to this scholarship.