Diana estudia Negocios Globales y obtuvo una beca para estudiar un semestre en la Universidad Mayor de Chile.
When you entered Uni did you know there were international programs?
Yes, I did.
When you entered your career, did you think you would go to live and study abroad?
The truth is that since I entered the Uni I had it as one of my main goals, since it was an opportunity that I had to take advantage of at all costs.
Have you ever lived or studied outside of Mexico before?
No, sólo había ido de vacaciones a San Francisco, California y en otra ocasión fui por parte de la Universidad de Celaya a presentar un proyecto en la universidad de Fullerton, California.
What prompted or motivated you to study in another country?
I was driven by the challenge of living far away from my family and loved ones, by taking time to know my strengths and weaknesses, by having to organize myself to have a "normal" life in a country completely different from my own, by getting to know another culture and other people, by missing my country and seeing it from another perspective, by gaining new knowledge and skills for my personal and professional development.
Why did you decide to study in that country?
Siempre me había interesado conocer el sur del continente americano, así que investigué bien sobre los países sudamericanos con los que la Uni tiene convenio y quedé convencida de que Chile era un país económicamente estable y seguro, además de tener distintos lugares turísticos que llamaban mi atención.
How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?
Mucha emoción y mucho miedo. La primera noche en Santiago fue horrible, me sentía tan desubicada, a pesar de ser un país hispanohablante no entendía casi nada, no me hacía la idea de cómo iba a pasar los siguientes meses así, pero con el paso de los días fui conociendo mucha gente extranjera que también venía de intercambio, vas haciendo amigos y te sientes más tranquila de saber que no estás pasando sola este gran cambio, y que hay gente que te apoya.
How have you been received at the university where you arrived?
Super good. They were always very attentive to the exchange students, they give you the right advice for your best incorporation to the university and they are available for whatever you need.
What will you miss most about Mexico?
Even though everyone says it, it's absolutely the truth: FOOD! It's missed too much. The lack of a tortilla in your meals makes a big difference. I also missed my parents a lot, my sister, my boyfriend. I missed how cheap Mexico is.
What about the Uni?
The organization that the university has for each event or school activities and also the university facilities.
What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience?
El conocer a personas tan lindas de distintas nacionalidades y chilenos que estoy segura que volveré a ver en un futuro, así como el haber tenido la oportunidad de viajar a varios lugares de Chile, Argentina y Bolivia que han sido completamente hermosos y han cambiado mi vida.
And the hardest part?
Having to adapt or get used to living with new people, the truth is that at the beginning it is very difficult, but you find the way to make it lighter.
What do you expect as a person and as a professional from this program?
I hope to value my country and the people around me much more, to identify my areas of opportunity to improve and to gain professional knowledge and skills to apply in future social projects that I would like to develop.
Do you recommend these opportunities provided by Uni to your colleagues?
Totally. I invite my classmates to participate and take advantage of this type of programs that the university has, it will be an unparalleled experience in their lives.