Specialty in Global Logistics Management
SEP Agreement 20230587To train people who think and act as leaders in the global community and contribute professionally in an ethical and successful way to the development of our country, through the design and implementation of local and global strategies in business logistics systems, in order to simplify and permanently improve communication, leadership and competitiveness in the processes of procurement, production and international distribution of goods.
Why Studying at the Uni?
By studying the Specialty in Global Logistics Management, you will find yourself in a constant innovation, knowledge integration and multidisciplinarity, as well as the development of communication skills, leadership and teamwork are essential in a globalized world.
Likewise, you will develop your knowledge, skills and attitudes to exercise the operational and administrative functions of the organization, select potential markets by applying information technologies and you will have the tenacity to give continuity to the organization's projects as well as an interdisciplinary vision of the supply chain and integrated logistics, among many other skills.
Given the need for officially valid business regulation programs, the University of Celaya offers this program in virtual mode so that people interested in working in the academic and/or practical field can develop the necessary learning from the geographic location where they are.
As a student of the University of Celaya, you will have licenses to make use of various digital platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Canvas, in order to take your classes and to deliver your homework and take your exams. You will also have access to our Virtual Library, where you will have access to you will be able to access large and prestigious virtual libraries such as: eLibro, ProQuest and EBSCO. Likewise, the platform has access to a database specialized in law such as Tirant Editorial, Gemba Academy which specializes in engineering and ClinicalKey with information on medicine.
You will also be able to access the university's research portal, as well as the institutional thesis repository. Other resources you will find in our virtual library are directories, journals, links to portals for online courses, statistics and many more.
The teaching team that will teach the study plan of the Specialty in Global Logistics Management is made up of highly qualified, certified and committed professionals whose profile is congruent with the institutional profile. The teachers design innovative learning methods, work in teams and enable the development of competencies in the student, live the Institutional and area values, and transmit them to the students in each subject. They will closely accompany students in learning and developing the skills of:
- Leading high performance teams.
- Use technological tools that contribute to the development of human talent.
- Make assertive decisions within the organization.
- Negotiate in international and multicultural environments
- Dialogue and mediate effectively in multicultural environments.
Academic Excellence
- Business approach.
- Highly Qualified Professors
- Continuous updated curriculum
- Case study privilege and the use of state-of-the-art technological tools.
- The Specialty in Global Logistics Management is structured in two trimesters; in each trimester the following courses are taken two subjects during a period of 10 weeks, reaching a total of six subjects which are oriented to cover the profile of graduation and the competencies of the specialty.
Non-Schooling - Online / Virtual
- Global logistics
- Purchasing and procurement
- Supply chain management
- Digital business transformation
- Financial management and logistics costs
- Distribution, storage and transportation
Entry Profile
Students entering the global logistics management program must have completed a bachelor's/engineering degree in addition to have:
- Arithmetic, mathematics, algebra.
- Writing and spelling.
- General culture and regional, national and international socioeconomic context.
- Software and information technology management.
- Basic English.
- Teamwork.
- Ethical leadership.
- Time organization.
- Assertive communication.
- Analytical and problem solving skills.
- Information processing.
- Strategic and creative thinking.
- Constant innovation.
- High ethical sense in the handling of the organization's information.
- Comprehension of texts in the English language.
- Interest in the international context and the global world.
- Professional responsibility.
- Assertiveness
Graduate profile
Upon completion, the graduate of the Specialty in Global Logistics Management is a competitive specialist leader in the international community who contributes in an ethical and successful way to the improvement of today's world through the development of intellectual capacity, training in values and business vision by being able to carry out the logistics process of organizations, evaluating alternatives for decision making, optimizing resources, time and technology, assuming responsibility and leadership as a global citizen in search of the common good.
- Variables of the organization's logistical and financial operations.
- Procurement and marketing objectives of companies applying information technologies.
- Distribution processes and the implications of supply chain management based on logistics and sustainable ethics.
- Optimization of logistics costs by selecting the appropriate transportation in global physical distribution within the legal framework.
- Lean manufacturing and waste elimination in the different areas of the company.
- Continuous improvement through the six sigma methodology.
- Physical warehouse management and inventory control.
- Development of strategic projects with global quality, oriented to customer satisfaction.
- Digital business transformation from the logistics point of view.
- To develop the operational and administrative functions of the organization through managerial skills.
- Select potential markets by applying information and communication technologies.
- Apply logistic technological tools that help to develop competencies.
- Make assertive decisions. Negotiate efficiently with other cultures.
- Solve problems through logistic strategies.
- Integrate and develop work teams.
- Leadership to improve logistics processes.
- Tenacity to give continuity to the organization's projects.
- Oriented to obtain economic results by optimizing resources.
- Interdisciplinary vision of the supply chain and integrated logistics.
- Spirit of global competitiveness.
- Entrepreneurial and constructive critical sense.
- Innovative mindset oriented to solve problems and promote development in their professional field.
- Logistics ethics and ecological awareness.
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Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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