Beatriz Eugenia, Marketing and Advertising student, spent a semester at the University of Oviedo. Gijon Campus. Asturias, Spain.

When you entered Uni did you know there were international programs?

Yes, thanks to the fact that I know students from the University of Celaya who have participated in international programs.

When you entered your career, did you think you would go to live and study abroad?

Yes, as I had planned to participate in the program.

Have you ever lived or studied outside of Mexico before?

Yes, I lived and studied for some time in the United States.

What prompted or motivated you to study in another country?

The opportunity to learn about different customs and cultures, in addition to becoming more independent.

Why did you decide to study in that country?

I had been attracted by its culture and traditions for a long time.

How did you feel when you arrived in the new country?

A lot of nerves, but I was very excited to learn new things.

How have you been received at the university where you arrived?

In a very friendly and open-armed manner.

What will you miss most about Mexico?

Food and my loved ones.

What about the Uni?

My classmates and teachers.

What is the most exciting thing you have experienced so far in this experience?

Get to know a completely different culture and live a different lifestyle.

And the hardest part?

Adapting to change without your loved ones.

What do you expect as a person and as a professional from this program?

To grow as a person, to become more independent, to open my perspectives to completely different points of view and to mature more and more.

Do you recommend these opportunities provided by Uni to your colleagues?

Of course, it has been the best experience of my life, thank you for this opportunity!