Specialty in Digital Strategic Communication

SEP Agreement 20230594

To train specialists in the mastery of new digital communication technologies used to strategically disseminate messages through interactive media, internet and wireless networks; all with an ethical and responsible sense of the concept and social function of contemporary information and communication media in a globalized context.

Why Studying at the Uni?

The advancement of technology has allowed exploring new alternatives in the communication processes within organizations; that is why, the Specialty in Digital Strategic Communication will provide the student with tools and skills to deepen the management of digital media as the ideal platforms to interact knowledge and information through the construction, implementation and evaluation of a strategic plan for internal or external communication of organizations.
Given the need for officially valid business regulation programs, the Universidad de Celaya offers this program in virtual mode so that people interested in working in the academic and/or practical field can develop the necessary learning from the geographic location where they are. The program is taught in non-school mode, so students can combine their studies with their working day. It has state-of-the-art technology and Learning Management System (LMS) tools to meet current learning needs through multidisciplinary teams, project-based learning techniques and case method, among other strategies.

As a student of the University of Celaya, you will have licenses to make use of various digital platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Canvas, in order to take your classes and to deliver your homework and take your exams. You will also have access to our Virtual Library, where you will have access to you will be able to access large and prestigious virtual libraries such as: eLibro, ProQuest and EBSCO. Likewise, the platform has access to a database specialized in law such as Tirant Editorial, Gemba Academy which specializes in engineering and ClinicalKey with information on medicine. 

You will also be able to access the university's research portal, as well as the institutional thesis repository. Other resources you will find in our virtual library are directories, journals, links to portals for online courses, statistics and many more. And in your academic career you will develop skills to:

  • Leading high performance teams.
  • Use technological tools that contribute to the development of human talent.
  • Make assertive decisions within the organization.
  • Negotiate in international and multicultural environments
  • Dialogue and mediate effectively in multicultural environments.

Academic Excellence

  • Business approach.
  • Highly Qualified Professors
  • Continuous updated curriculum
  • Case study privilege and the use of state-of-the-art technological tools.


  • The Specialty in Strategic Digital Communication is structured in two semesters; in each semester two subjects are taken during a period of 13 weeks, reaching a total of six subjects which are oriented to cover the profile of graduation and the competencies of the specialty.



Non-Schooling - Online / virtual


  • Virtual communication
  • Image theory
  • Web communication strategies
  • Digital creativity
  • Mercagological competencies
  • Strategic communication in digital media

Entry Profile

The student who enters the Digital Strategic Communication specialty must have:


*Consolidation of the use of verbal and visual expression as key elements in the creation of digital communication pieces.
*Mastery of editing programs for the creation of graphic and audiovisual communication pieces.

*Elaboration of audience segmentation for the benefit of the creation of content according to the interests of the target audience.
*Management of digital social networks as a means to empower organizations and establish user loyalty.

*Methodology for the structure of strategic communication plans according to the interests of the organization and its audiences.
*Action protocols for the establishment of beneficial links between organizations and digital content creators.


*Working in multidisciplinary teams to put into practice leadership and delegation of functions.
*Efficient and effective organization of time to develop the planning, execution and implementation of a digital communication plan.

*Maintain effective and assertive communication between the organization and the digital content generator.
*Gather information, elaborate the content analysis and synthesize the organization's idea with the digital content proposal for the organization.

*Process information to clarify the possible environments of the digital communication plan. *Putting strategic and creative thinking into practice.
*Manage the planning, implementation and evaluation of digital communication projects for organizations.


*Proactive capacity for innovation.
*Creativity for the creation of digital content.
*High level of ethics and professional responsibility in the handling of the organization's information.
*Problem solving with practical alternatives.


      Graduate profile

      At the end of the specialty, the professional is able to use new information and communication technologies for the design of messages that allow any organization, a more effective and timely digital communication with different audiences. Therefore, this specialty aims to develop in students the following:


      *New paradigms of digital information and communication with the changes they imply. *Image composition techniques.
      *Semiotics of the image and its communicative power.
      *New forms of interaction in the digital era.

      *Strategies for an effective digital interaction.
      *Processes of content production for digital media.
      *Strategic planning of digital communication for commercial purposes.
      *Technical tools with the new information and communication technologies. *Technical qualities and limitations of each information media.
      *Management of platforms for the production and distribution of content in the digital environment.


      *Analysis and synthesis.
      *High degree of criticality to deal with the contents offered by the new information and communication systems.
      *Produce strategic content in different areas of human activity and knowledge for digital environments.
      *Creativity to produce messages that satisfy information and communication needs and that, at the same time, awaken individual and social interest.
      *Discursive skills applied in the creation of written and visual messages.
      *Global vision and understanding of the language used in digital communication environments.
      *High sense of organization for the effective execution of strategies generated. *Research on audience interests and data analysis for segmentation.


      *Innovative personality that will allow him/her to transform information into valuable initiatives.
      *Leadership and sense of entrepreneurship always respecting established rules and protocols.

      *Innovation and responsibility in decision making.
      *A high ethical and moral sense to ensure the optimal management of information in the different digital media that the digital communication specialist will use to produce, manage and interpret messages.
      *Teamwork as leaders with the necessary skills to naturally engage their collaborators and achieve high performance.
      *Updating in the future technological development, in order to be always up to date with new social demands.
      *Proactive attitude with a futuristic vision of the introduction of new technologies in the processes of message and content production, with a sense of social responsibility, in the face of a new era of communication and information.

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      Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099

      Opening hours

      Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080

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