Ph.D in Business Administration
y Desarrollo
PhD in Management and Development
Acuerdo SEP 20193965 del 22 de agosto del 2019 (EN LÍNEA)
To train researchers and professionals at the doctoral level with the ability to generate knowledge, innovation models, projects and business development; as well as to conduct epistemologically based research in the areas of public administration, global business strategy and human and organizational development, to contribute to the transformation, innovation and development of the organizations where they work with a high sense of leadership focused on values.

Dr. Roberto Hernández Sampieri
Director del Doctorado
«La Investigación evoluciona, el conocimiento cambia y siempre estamos en constante aprendizaje»
The purpose of the Doctorate in Administration and Development of the University of Celaya is to train researchers in the field of administrative sciences, who have:
- High mastery of research methods.
- Research proficiency, which is validated by the ability to devise, propose and carry out empirical research that generates theorization.
Academic Excellence
Research approach in organizations.
Teachers with broad experience in the subjects they teach.
Expert directors in the research lines that advise.
Ongoing methodological advice.
Curriculum Update.
Agosto 2024
Scholarship Program
- Early Registration program.
- 50% discount on enrollment
- 50% scholarship in tuition and subsequent rescriptions.
(As long as you maintain a grade point average of 8.0 -eight- during the Doctorate).
Visión Global
- Participation in national and Latin American research networks.
- Courses and seminars organized by partner universities.
- International videoconferences and visitors.
Research lines
- Human and organizational development.
- Global Business Development.
- Public Administration.
- Synchronous virtual classes.
- Canvas and Zoom platform.
Entry Profile
Knowledge on:
- General culture and history
- Accounting, administration and economics.
- Statistics.
- Language English
- Research methodology
- Ability to apply abstract and critical thinking.
- Ability to express oneself orally and in writing.
- Ability to work in a team, and interest in developing relationships
- Ability to plan and organize their time and academic activity.
- Basic English language comprehension for reading scientific texts..
Skills and values:
- Sense of ethical leadership.
- Ability to apply their creativity and openness to innovation.
Perfil de egreso
Knowledge on:
- The trends and impact of innovation and technological development in national and international markets.
- Business models for the creation of organizations focused on satisfying regional and national needs; as well as models of global organizations.
- Procedures, criteria and standards of research methodology in the administrative area.
- The research methodology needed to analyze the environment.
- Fund and conduct relevant research in the area of administrative sciences, specifically in the field of business and governmental organizations. Research will be characterized by its orientation towards the solution of real problems present in the environment.
- Generate knowledge, models and management practices that will make it possible to adapt and anticipate the business, economic and social activities of the region, Mexico, Latin America and the rest of the world to the new environments.
- To deepen and interpret the phenomena faced by organizations to support decision making in the current globalization environment.
- Conceptualize and abstract social phenomena to pose problems based on the lines of research of the doctoral program.
- Apply their doctoral preparation to the study and analysis of the structural problems of society in order to provide a proactive approach.
- Promote the transfer of administrative technology, as well as the introduction of innovative ideas.
- Communicate the results of their research both in dissemination media and in scientifically rigorous media (peer-reviewed journals).
- Lead change processes within for-profit and non-profit organizations, based on solid research-based foundations.
- Share your experience, knowledge and skills with others through teaching.
Attitudes and values:
- Scientific spirit
- Professional and personal ethics.
- Humanism.
- Respect.
- Truth.
- Justice.
- Responsibility.
Graduate development areas
Areas of development
- Departments and research centers.
- Public and private companies
- Academic bodies in universities.
- Postgraduate programs in higher education institutions.
- Scholars and researchers in higher education institutions.
- Research networks.
Plan de estudios
First semester
- Epistemology of Science
- Administrative theory
- Writing workshop
Second semester
- Doctoral Research Seminar I
- Applied Administration Topics
- Optional I
Third semester
- Doctoral Research Seminar II
- Statistics for the social and administrative sciences I
- Elective II
Fourth semester
- Doctoral Research Seminar III
- Statistics for the social and administrative sciences II
- Elective III
Fifth semester
- Doctoral Research Seminar IV
- Software for quantitative research in social and administrative areas
- Elective IV
Sixth semester
- Doctoral Research Seminar IV
- Software for qualitative research in the social and administrative sciences
- Writing scientific articles

Dr. Javier Manzano Maced
Socioeconomic Evaluation of Investment Projects and Social Programs for Public Officials

Dr. Javier Muñoz Orozco
Consultant in organizational culture and climate. Specialist in economics, management and strategy.

Dr. Juan Vaca Estrada
Finance and Administration Specialist

Dr. María Guadalupe Arredondo Hidalgo
Specialist in logistics, administration and international trade.

Dr. Juan Morua Ramírez
Complexity and dynamical systems in management sciences

Dr. Roxana Contreras Lobato
Research Professor in the areas of International Business

Dr. Luis Fermin Moreno Ponce
Specialist in quality, productivity and manufacturing operations.

Alfonso Méndez
Ethnopsychology and cultural psychology, behavioral economics and psychology.

Dr. Pedro Alberto Quintana Hernández
Research Professor of Numerical Methods and Differential Equations with Applications

Dr. Mauricio Hernández Mendoza
22 years of experience in strategic and financial planning.

Dr. Abraham Nosnik Ostrowiak
Strategic management and organizational processes
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Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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